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I m taking APUSH next year and for the summer reading I had to read 10 days that unexpectedly changed America and I need help with some questions and please don t tell me to do my own homework because I already finished most of it all I need is this questions that I don t understand please help me Massacre at Mystic: Referring to this case, in what ways can democracy be both … Grades: 8 th, 9 th, 10 th, 11 th, 12 th. 10 Days That Unexpectedly Changed America Shays’ Rebellion: America’s First Civil War Video Questions – Answer in complete sentences. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Who were some participants in the Massacre at Mystic?Pequot Indians, English Puritans, John Mason, John UnderhillSurprise attack on a large Pequot village in MassachussetsWhy did the Englishmen attack the Pequot Indian tribe?There were always really bad tension between Englishmen and Native Americans; This particular tribe had ransacked a couple English merchant shipsNative Americans refrained from further trusting Englishmen; It marked the end of any type of peace b/w Native Americans and Englishmen; Only around 590 Pequot Indians are alive todayA rebellion consisting of (mainly) veteran farmers, against the shoddy national governmentThe conditions of the national government were terrible, and it was slowly turning into the highly taxing, demanding, overbearing, English monarchy that the Americans fought to get away fromPushed the people in power to try to create a new constitution; Created a constitution that was fair to the people, allowed for strong government, and is still used todayJohn Augustus Sutter; James Marshall; Many ImmigrantsThe large migration of people to the Western part of the United States (particularly California), due to the high concentration of gold that could easily be found thereThe Gold Rush was most popular in 1849, but the Gold Rush spanned out from 1840s-1860sBecause people wanted a way to get very rich very quickly, and the easiest way to do that was to pan in an area that would guarantee you what you wantedAdded 500 million dollars to US wealth; Led to the transcontinental railroad being built; Led to California being one of the most diverse and progressive states in the USBecause Lee knew it would be a good strategy to surround the US capital on both sides, and that it would be beneficial if the Confederates were to win the warThe goal of the war switched from being about keeping the union together to the freeing of slaves; President Lincoln was able to submit the Emancipation Proclamation; 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments were passedAndrew Carnegie; Henry Frick; Pinkertons; Workers Unions; Steel Mill Workers of HomesteadA violent strike due to unfair working conditions given by big buisnessesBecause workers were afraid of losing their jobs to non-union workers, they just wanted equalityMore workers Strikes popped up around the country; the violence of it setback the workers rights movement several years didn't help so he got inspired by an Italian American that killed a king and shot McKinley twice (he got sentenced to electric chair); Roosevelt became president and tried to continue McKinleys conservativeness, he grew the Progressive Movement and laid the foundation for America's convergence as world powerJuly 10, 1925; John Butler, John Scopes; America was changing in all ways, science was emerging and so was the idea of evolution, John Butler passed a bill preventing teaching evolution but Scopes challenged it (he was accused but he was actually just "reading it"), became a popular case but Scopes was found guilty & charged $100; showed that ppl needed to "open their minds" and not everyones morals are the same, continuous present argument about separating church and stateEinstein's Letter (when, who, where, summary, what changes)August 2, 1939; Leo Szilard, Einstein; Szilard tried to make his theory of nuclear fission true but he failed, 2 German physicists made it happen but they were both excited and worried (it could either be a great energy source or it could make an atomic bomb), he told Einstein to prevent Hitler from hearing about it, Einstein wrote a letter to Belgium ambassador and state department; Szilard also sent his friend Alexander Sachs to contact FDR and ask him to start making a nuclear bomb. Wish List.

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