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Grade 12. Grade 1. Through extensive time trial testing we have found that teachers save an average of 17 minutes per report when using the Student Evaluator evaluation tool.This counter increases by 17 minutes for each report that is written by our teachers and has been running since Student Evaluator was started in 2012.

Because of this, building a tool that could evaluate every student individually is just too complex to make simple enough to use.Instead, in consultation with many subject matter experts, we opted to do 80% of the heavy lifting for our teachers.Simply put, this tool will do 80% of the work for you.

Everything you see above (over 300 report card comments organized by both frame and category, editable templates, photos, examples, and more!) Kindergarten - Math Comments. Grade 6. The Full Day Kindergarten program in Ontario refers to them as "Communication of Learning", and reflect the child’s learning and growth in relation to the overall expectations in each of the four It’s that time of year, friends – time for report cards! 1.2 listen and respond to others, both verbally and non-verbally (e.g., using the arts, using signs, using gestures and body language), for a variety of purposes 65 Awesome Report Card Comments for Kindergarten. I also love that they are now saved on my computer so next term, even next year, I can access them quickly to see what I wrote about that student and make sure I don't write the same thing! Grade 3. Personalization and adding your own finishing touches will take your report to the next level all the while saving you a lot of time.At this time our tool focusses on the overall expectations for each of the four frames and not the specific expectations that are found under each overall expectations. Grade 7. If you read something that you want me to discuss with you via email, you can use the comment form at the top of my page. The comments were created based on the most recent Kindergarten Curriculum document, which was implemented in September 2016. A Kindergarten Reporting Tool . When the time comes to write report card comments, you’ll have full, detailed reports on all your students’ achievement, with all the numbers on recent usage, performance, trouble spots as well as quick overviews for assignments and placement test progress. English. I actually open up a file on PowerPoint and layout each of the 4 frames, per student, so that I can quickly flip between students if there are comments that can be shared. In consult with dozens of teachers and hundreds of testers we have figured out a way to write Kindergarten reports that meet the four frame evaluation standard and include all of the overall expectations that you are expected to evaluate your students with. frames. Subject . Grade 9. Please click here for a GROWING BUNDLE of ALL FOUR FRAMES.

Grade 2. Grade 13. Dance / Drama. *****. We know that the tool needs improvement, much like our original learning skills evaluator did when we first built it, but it takes time and input from our teacher friends to make something great.So if you have an idea about how to make it better or if you find a typo or bug, be sure to The Student Evaluator was created by teachers, for teachers. I have also included which frame you could link comments/quotes to as well as examples straight from my own report cards! 1. It will:Once generated you are still going to have to make it your own – that’s where the 20% of the work comes in. From an idea that began in 2012, Student Evaluator brought together a team of teachers, learning advisers, web design specialists, and software engineers to create an evaluation tool for teachers.We knew that there had to be a better and more efficient way to accurately assess and create report cards for our students, and so we built software to do just that. Sample Report Card Comment #1: Belonging and Contributing Moira 1. communicate with others in a variety of ways, for a variety of purposes, and in a variety of contexts.
It contains comments for the Belonging and Contributing frame. What will you do with the time you save?In consult with dozens of teachers and hundreds of testers we have figured out a way to write Kindergarten reports that meet the four frame evaluation standard and include all of the overall expectations that you are expected to evaluate your students with.Unfortunately, no.

Available in word format. I like to lay out all of the materials that will help me:  my Grade 8. Grade 4. Complete Kindergarten Report Card Comments Kit - This kit includes complete report card comments for Behavior, English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies for Kindergartners. Yup, you read that right! I love to hear comments and questions. Grade 5. Thank you for visiting my site today.

But, did you know report card comments are sometimes the only part parents bother reading? See photo above.

Yes, we built it! Grade 10. Grade 11. Kindergarten General Report Card Comments. It contains comments for the Belonging and Contributing frame. For some, writing report card comments can be stressful, and leave you feeling mentally exhausted.

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