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He earned his master’s degree from Southwestern Seminary and his doctorate in ministry from Luther Rice Seminary. We can accomplish meaningful reform through patient-centered, consumer-based, free market solutions. This is an important opportunity to ask questions as you embark on an exciting journey to serve as a commissioned officer in the United States Armed Forces. For over 20 years, Jody and his wife have lived in the 7th congressional district. Very simply, we must protect life at all stages.You can count on me to stand steadfastly resolute concerning the right to keep and bear arms.We should welcome all who legally enter our nation. I am set to begin my Basic Officer Leader course in a few weeks, and following that, I will join the 35th Signal Brigade at Fort Bragg, NC. I am a member of the National Rifle Association, Gun Owners of America, National Association for Gun Rights, and Georgia Carry. Jody and Dee Dee Hice were married in 1983 and raised their two daughters in Walton County. We should deport illegal aliens who commit felonies.

Jody Hice on Education We allow Satanists in our schools, but not Christian prayer! It was a wonderful experience to attend the Academy, and it did a wonderful job of preparing me to be an Army Officer. What led to it? He is an ardent advocate of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Click If you have the dream in your heart and the fire in your soul to serve your nation as an officer in the U.S. Armed Forces, please remember that the deadline for applying for a nomination from my office to the U.S. Service Academies is Friday, October 23rd. Jody is a member of the NRA, Gun Owners of America, Georgia Sports Shooting Association, Georgia Gun Owners, and Georgia Carry. We should withhold federal funds from any city or state that declares itself a sanctuary for illegal aliens. I have a Georgia Weapons Carry License, and I'm a staunch defender of the Second Amendment.You can be assured then, that as a member of Congress I am vigilant in defending the right to keep and bear arms because it is foundational to all other Constitutional rights and to our American liberty. Here’s what one student, Margaret Curran, had to say who went on to receive an academy appointment: “I wanted to thank you and Honorable Jody Hice for today's Academy Day. Click • Between December and February, inquire or sign up for a Summer Seminar at your desired academy; • In the fall, complete and submit your nomination applications to all nominating sources. I think the best thing about my experience was that I grew to be a more confident leader that valued selfless service and mentorship, and I surpassed my own goals and expectations. His focus in Washington is repealing Obamacare, securing our borders, rebuilding our military to keep Americans safe, and overhauling our nation’s tax code. Jody Hice on Education : Click here for 3 full quotes on Education OR background on Education.

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