877-600-4006 [email protected]

DatePicker, Vue.use(List) Vue.use(InputNumber) [Support us with a monthly donation and help us continue our activities.

message, Vue.use(Checkbox) Vue.use(Icon)


Modal, Select,

问题 在vue-cli4.x中按需加载ant-design-vue,在编译时报错,错误如下 原因 ant-design-vue使用less预处理器。在less3.0版本以前,javascriptEnabled属性默认为true,3.0以后默认为fals Vue.use(Tabs) Row, Vue.use(Statistic) Vue.use(Table) Vue.use(Badge) Skeleton, Statistic, Result, Divider, Vue.use(Modal) Move cursor to Ant Design Vue tag or select it Checkbox, Vue.use(Dropdown) [Learn about our RFC process, Open RFC meetings & more. Vue.use(Result) Vue.use(Drawer) Vue.use(Input) ant-design-vue-helper is a VS Code extension for Ant Design Vue. Document. Vue.use(Switch) Col, Avatar, Icon, Upload, Vue.use(DatePicker) ant-design-vue is an MIT-licensed open source project. List, In order to achieve better and sustainable development of the project, we expect to gain more Become a sponsor and get your logo on our README on Github with a link to your site. Vue.prototype.$confirm 3.

Descriptions, Vue.use(Tooltip)


PageHeader, Switch,

Empty, Steps, Popover, } Ant Design Landing 平台拥有丰富的各类首页模板,下载模板代码包,即可快速使用,也可使用首页编辑器,快速搭建一个属于你的专属首页

Popconfirm, 修改main.js 引入配置文件 src/components/lazy_antd.js,同时注释掉原来的 ant-design-vue引入。https://github.com/vueComponent/ant-design-vue-pro/blob/1.2.0/docs/load-on-demand.mdhttps://www.antdv.com/docs/vue/getting-started-cn/#按需加载https://github.com/HeskeyBaozi/reduce-antd-icons-bundle-demo Vue.use(Avatar) Vue.use(Breadcrumb) [Support us with a monthly donation and help us continue our activities.

TreeSelect Vue.use(Alert) Tooltip, Spin,

ConfigProvider, Drawer, Vue.use(Tag) Vue.use(Row) @vue/cli ~3; ant-design-vue - Ant Design Of Vue; vue-cropper - Picture edit; @antv/g2 - AntV G2; Viser-vue - Antv/G2 of Vue; Note: Yarn package management is recommended, the exact same version loaded with the demo site of this project (yarn.lock) . Vue.use(Popover) Form, Button, Vue.use(ConfigProvider) Radio, Vue.use(Layout) Table, Badge, import { Vue.use(Spin) Vue.use(Steps) Vue.use(Menu) Vue.use(Button) Dropdown,


InputNumber, Menu, Tabs, Breadcrumb, Vue-cli 3 plugin to add ant-design-vue: vue-dash-event: The library function, implemented in the DOM template, can use the custom event of the ant-design-vue component (camelCase) Donation. Document Usage. Progress, Vue.use(Empty) Vue.use(Upload) Vue.use(Divider) Vue.use(PageHeader) but you can also use npm. Vue.use(Card)

Input, Tag,

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