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With them increasing the price of her two main rings I had to change my build quite a bit. Gank him, abuse his lack of mobility.

Freya just couldn't overcome his damageSlap him while his shit is on cool down, early you got 9 to 15 seconds of time between abilities but in late game however, you just have to catch him out of position and hope the whole team jumps on him.For a tank winged blade, spirit robe and pestilence are huge countersFor a damage dealer just use beads, build divine/brawler and demolish him he doesn't have mobilityTry to avoid his 2 (stun) then attack, his abilities require you to be stuck in place to do dot damage so let him burn his abilities then attack as a team, build anti heal so be can't heal, basically kill him before he can do good damageAs someone who plays duel I would also like to know this, a majority of the time I ask my friends, which they tell me the same thing with working together with your team. But when a meta is so influenced by escapes and mobilty, a God that doesn't have any of these factors struggles hard in competitive. Spam VELAnd then your plan doesn't work because the enemy assassin is actually competent and bursts you down faster.da ji be like bruh ! Anubis will often use his locusts on a wave, having said this. Your early game presence is obnoxious, play agressively in lane and try to get early kills / force the enemy out. See ya soon!Me, seeing an anubis instalock for the third time of the day: "Dear instalock anubis, please don't feed. He was 100-0ing me and a couple others from Level 1..Edit: Just because people keep offering suggestions on gods to counter anubis... how am I supposed to know who I'm midding against pre-game? Now that’s scary.Miss stun on purpose as bait. From L1, he won't have been 100-0ing you unless you stood in his 1 for the entire duration, and more.It definitely had to do with a lack of ganking, he got so far ahead so im not trying to blame jungle but they weren't really helping. CC him. Like others have said the majority of Anubis' abilities root him in place. His stun + 3 or 1 or even his ult its an instant death. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Don't be afraid to use your ult to escape his ult.Goobis has 0 escape so all you need is a gank to shut him downAnti heal and highly mobile characters. Would it be worth having no mobility early game to rush DR?Anti heal. They simply lack vision. 2.6k votes, 153 comments. A god with a stun is great to counter Anubis. Pestilence rush then slap him aroundIt was mid, and maybe I got divine ruin too late. Anubis was one of the 9 playable gods in the Alpha build of SMITE's first presentation to the public at PAX Prime 2011. Pretty obvious since his entire kit focuses on lifesteal.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castSmite is a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios on PC, XB1, PS4 and Switch.Press J to jump to the feed. You NEED to hit 90% of your stuns, it's the only way you can secure damage on the enemy. Press J to jump to the feed.

Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsSome have called me unstable! In May of 2015, Anubis received a big remodel, changing his Default, Nightwalker, and Mastery skins. 205k members in the Smite community. Play safe, flex into a defensive item like Void Stone and Toxiblade (assuming they're running a silly comp where gooby is the only source of damage)Anubis Mid vs Freya Mid?
Divine Ruin my friend, get that. Don't try to engage too much, get your side camps, built Pest, make sure you are around his level. anubis (if he's laning) can't afford to be a kill machine like he is in joust. r/Smite: Smite is a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios on PC, XB1, PS4 and Switch. Ded assassin. A real Anubis main doesn't need the stun but missing it...now that scares meYou should see the Anubis penta kill on smite top 5 plays #49. The only reason why he works is because he outheals the damage you do to him.

Get used to making unpredictable movements, you dont want to be locked down easily. It's when he does this that you need to …

I bring up duel is just one person and they just say "stop playing a bad mode LUL" life is tuff ;-;-Using a late game God? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. r/Smite: Smite is a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios on PC, XB1, PS4 and Switch. Get to late game. Team him together. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Anibus has insane sustain but he gets shut down as soon as you get antiheal. Woop him when he uses locustsAnubis Solo vs Freya Solo? Not just me but our entire team, he ended the game like 30-3.
Anubis was one of the 17 playable gods in SMITE closed Beta. If you have a stun (and beads) in most cases you can simply run towards Anubis, beads his stun and start attacking him.

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