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Having received the information that Albrecht von Wallenstein, the imperial commander, had sent … The loss of ships and sailors was horrendous for both sides.

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Airbases in particular had to be established in order to provide the advancing troops with U.S. aircraft constantly made reconnaissance and bombing flights over southern Luzon, intending to deceive the Japanese forces into believing that the attack on Luzon would come from the south.

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Launching of the American Invasion. Filipino and American resistance fighters also attacked Japanese positions and secured several locations.Theatre and ground force commanders for the liberation of the Philippines93,400 American soldiers fell sick during the campaign in Luzon and the Central/Southern Philippines, although most were quickly cured and returned to duty; 260 succumbed to their illnesses.A Japanese area army was equivalent to a Euro-American army.

The Philippines were considered to be of great strategic importance because their capture by Japan would pose a significant threat to the U.S. As a result, 135,000 troops and 227 aircraft were stationed in the Philippines by October 1941. Search Britannica

Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree....

The Battles continued throughout the island of Luzon in the following weeks, with more U.S. troops having landed on the island.

The Battle of Luzon (Filipino: Labanan sa Luzon), was a land battle of the Pacific Theater of Operations of World War II by the Allied forces of the U.S., its colony the Philippines, and allies against forces of the Empire of Japan.

But massive devastation to the urban area could not be avoided. Battle of Lützen, (November 16 [November 6, Old Style], 1632), military engagement of the Thirty Years’ War in which Gustavus II Adolphus of Sweden lost his life; it was fought by the Swedes to help their North German allies against the forces of the Holy Roman emperor Ferdinand II.

…Gustav died in battle at Lützen on Nov. 16, 1632, his forces were again victorious and his cause was directed with equal skill by his chief adviser, Axel Oxenstierna. Features 


At dawn on 9 January, three days after the appearance of the first Allied naval elements in Lingayen Gulf, outposts of the 23d Division observed two vast transport groups with a total of nearly 100 ships maneuvering into position off the southern and southeastern sectors of the gulf coast. In an attempt to protect the city and its civilians, MacArthur placed stringent restrictions on U.S. artillery and air support.

At Lützen on November 6, Gustav Adolf’s Swedish forces engaged the imperial army led by Albrecht von Wallenstein, and a fierce battle ensued.

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