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The idea that the principles and intents of the U.S. Constitution remain relevant in human relations was the origin of its founding in 1991. Without all political ideologies having a place in the free marketplace of ideas, on an equal footing with the top two in power, life is like an ice cream shop that only serves two flavors – customers grow weary and no longer buy. America flourishes when its citizens have real choices with which they identify philosophically. Because the authority to administer charity has not been granted to the government in the Constitution, the party maintains that the government has no business being involved in such endeavors.The party supports English as the official language for all governmental business, opposes bilingual ballots, and insists that those who wish to take part in the electoral process and governance of the U.S. be required to read and comprehend basic English as a precondition for citizenship.The party believes that "it is our responsibility to be prudent, productive, and efficient stewards of God’s natural resources".In regards to energy, the party calls attention to "the continuing need of the United States for a sufficient supply of energy for national security and for the immediate adoption of a policy of free market solutions to achieve energy independence for the United States," and calls for the abolition of the The party has attracted notables in the anti-abortion movement such as Gregory Thompson,A 2008 candidate for the Republican nomination, Representative Ronnie Broughton, a past president and current member of the The following is a table of ballot status for the Constitution Party presidential nominee in 2016.The Constitution Party's website criticizes the dominance of two parties in the US electoral system, saying: "Taxpayers Party" redirects here. This is consistent with protecting innocent life because the death penalty would only be applied to those who have proven to be a threat to innocent life.The party opposes any government legislation to authorize or define marriage contrary to God's law, and states that "The law of our Creator defines marriage as the union between one man and one woman".The Constitution Party believes that charitable giving is most effective when conducted by private parties. For the Colorado party, see Note: With few exceptions, the state party affiliates and the national party changed their names in 2000 to the "Constitution Party." Founding members included 2016 presidential candidate Darrell Castle and former acting Office of Economic Opportunity Director Howard Phillips. On May 20, 2006, a proposal to break with the national party was debated and ultimately adopted. The amendment argued that "...until the national Constitution Party resumes a principled, pro-life position – we, in Oregon, should separate ourselves and proceed as an independent state party. For the New York party, see "American Constitution Party" redirects here. These core values are defined as "the Sanctity of Life, Religious Freedom, Traditional Family, Private Property Rights, Pro-Second Amendment, National Sovereignty, and Anti-Socialism".The state party was originally formed in 1952, and reincorporated in 2000 as an affiliate of the national Constitution Party. Similar measures were taken by other state parties after the national party partially abandoned their anti-abortion position, supporting it in the cases of rape, incest, or the life of the mother. All affiliates state in their platforms support for strict adherence to the In 2016, the party ran a presidential ticket consisting of Scott Copeland and J.R. Meyers, the first- and second-place winners of the state's presidential primary on the ballot in the state of Idaho in lieu of the national Castle/Bradley ticket.The party's first elected officials are Ronnie Broughton who was re-elected unopposed for his fourth term on the Webster Parish School Board on November 4, 2014, and The Constitution Party of Montana re-affiliated with the national party in 2011.The stated mission of the Nebraska Party is "to restore economic prosperity to all Nebraskans, to restore the Christian Principles of our Forefathers, and to get the Government back in the hands of the people. "The origins of the state party can be traced to October 2000, when founding member Brenda Donnellan and activists from Because the Constitution Party is not a major party in the state, its voters are permitted to vote in the primary but must take the initiative to ask for either a In early 2006, Christopher H. Hansen, the gubernatorial candidate of The 2016–2020 Platform of the Constitution Party is available for download on the party's website.The 2016 preamble of the Constitution Party platform "gratefully acknowledges the blessing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as Creator, Preserver and Ruler of the Universe and of these United States,"The Constitution Party's website states that it "is the philosophical home of the The Constitution Party, in the 2016 platform, supported retaining the Electoral College and was opposed to establishing a popular vote system to elect the president and vice president of the United States.The Constitution Party in 2012 supported reducing the role of the United States federal government through cutting The Constitution Party in 2012 called for phasing out The party supports the right of states to administer the Our support of a State's option to impose the death penalty is limited to those who have been convicted of capital crimes.

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