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One of the solar panels failed to deploy, staying wrapped around the service module. The launch escape system ignited, pulling the Soyuz away from the booster, igniting the third stage fuel tanks, leading to an explosion that severely damaged the pad and killed at least one person (the Soviet Rocket Forces major supervising the launch team) and injured many others.After the self-destruction of the first Soyuz 7K-OK on re-entry, and the loss of the second one on the pad fire in December, the state commission ruled that the third 7K-OK model would be flown unpiloted on a solo mission. Cosmos 213 was the target for Cosmos 212 in a successful test of Soyuz 7K-OK rendezvous and docking systems. 177km X 196km orbit to 184km X 230km orbit. This time the rockets gyroscopes, the capsule communications, and the television camera all functioned perfectly. Officially the flight conducted scientific, technical and medico-biological research, checking and testing of onboard systems and design elements of space craft, docking of piloted space craft and construction of an experimental space station, transfer of cosmonauts from one craft to another in orbit.Tested spacecraft systems and designs, manoeuvring of space craft with respect to each other in orbit, conducted scientific, technical and medico-biological experiments in group flight. At 27 minutes after the original launch attempt, the Soyuz launch escape system, having received the signal that liftoff had occurred, detected that the booster was not on course (either because a tower arm nudged the booster or because the earth's rotation as detected by the gyros had moved the spacecraft out of limits relative to its original inertial position). FEB 09 . 196 1 Soyuz-M Yu15000-001 27.12.1971 Pl LC-41/1 Kosmos 470 (Zenit-4MT #1, Orion #1) 214 2 Soyuz-M Kh15000-002 13.07.1972 Pl LC-43/4 Kosmos 502 (Zenit-4MT #2, Orion #2) 228 3 Soyuz-M S15000-003 27.12.1972 Pl LC-41/1 Kosmos 541 (Zenit-4MT #3, Orion #3) 245 4 Soyuz-M Kh15000-004 27.06.1973 Pl LC-41/1 Kosmos 576 (Zenit-4MT #4, Orion #4) 267 5 Soyuz-M 76043-825 17.12.1973 Pl LC-41/1 … Equipment aboard Salyut 1 included a telescope, spectrometer, electrophotometer, and television. Beregovoi used nearly all of his orientation fuel in his first attempt to dock - of 80 kg allocated, only 8 to 10 kg was remaining. Reproduction without proper consent is not allowed. Live coverage and the most up-to-date schedule of all upcoming Soyuz-2 launches. Tested spacecraft systems and designs, manoeuvring of space craft with respect to each other in orbit, conducted scientific, technical and medico-biological experiments in group flight.

However the Soyuz-5 rocket, which is still on the drawing board, overlaps the capabilities of the new-generation Angara family, which reached the launch pad in 2014.

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