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And yes, they are all in danger of becoming extinct, because as humans, we like intermarriage with those we consider exotic, and the mixed kids come out superior to the parents. Publicly threatening nuclear war and casting aside or rejecting major nuclear arms control and disarmament treaties, the nuclear powers are currently engaged in an extensive nuclear weapons buildup, with the U.S. government alone planning to spend at least $1.5 trillion on this project. Humans destroy precious habitat--the natural environment of a living thing--when they fill swamps and marshes, dam rivers and cut down trees to build homes, roads and other developments. Protect Earth, protect the next generation Get information how to slow down termination of life forms. Plant species, animal species are disappearing. After all, the world is currently engulfed in a coronavirus pandemic that has already infected more than 12.5 million people, taken more than 550,000 lives, and created massive economic disruption. Op-Ed: Humans are an endangered species: Will they act to save themselves? To successfully battle pandemics, it will be essential to create a far stronger public health system, accessible to everyone. To avert nuclear war, it will probably be necessary to both ban nuclear weapons and create a stronger international security system. ... human beings have shown a remarkable ability to confront challenges and to improve the human condition. Sure, the rightwing, nationalist rulers of many countries never stop telling us that they have made their nations “great” again.But we would have to be dislocated from reality not to notice that something is wrong―very wrong. Because humans control wildfires, lupine isn't as abundant as it used to be.

To support essential reporting, please consider Humans Are Endangered: Will They Save Themselves?

There would only be about 4 actual human races. Published 12:40 am Wednesday, July 15, 2020. This June, the temperature in the Arctic reached 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit―the hottest on record.In addition, defying all reason, nations persist in arming themselves for a nuclear war that will destroy virtually all life on earth. Humans Are an Endangered Species: Will They Act to Save Themselves? According to a UN study, released in January 2020, 70 percent of the world’s people suffer from growing economic inequality. We have lifted the paywall on this story. As the director general of the World Health Organization remarked in late June, the greatest threat to humanity from the coronavirus is not the virus itself, but “the lack of global solidarity” in dealing with it.

Responding to climate change activism, scientists and engineers have developed methods to utilize solar and wind power to replace fossil fuels. An endangered species is a type of organism that is threatened by extinction.Species become endangered for two main reasons: loss of habitat and loss of genetic variation. As the director general of the World Health Organization remarked in late June, the greatest threat to humanity from the coronavirus is not the virus itself, but “the lack of global solidarity” in dealing with it.He added: “We cannot defeat this pandemic with a divided world.” Much the same could be said about overcoming the other onrushing disasters.DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed here are those of the individual contributor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the LA Progressive, its publisher, editor or any of its other contributors.King Joe and the Round Table: Biden’s America in a Multipolar World — Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J S DaviesWorld’s Most Expensive Coffee Requires Animal Cruelty… — Nina JackelTaxpayer-Funded Drug Research Should Require Open-Source Sharing by Big Pharma —Dean BakerEnding the Myth of American Innocence —Lenore DanielsExtend Child Care Vouchers, Get Parents Back to Work —Bruce FullerBlack Lives Matter and Antisemitism Is Not Cool —David LoveAdding Fuel to the Fire of Our Pandemics —Julianne MalveauxHybrid Model of School Reopening Not Safe Either Steven SingerKing Joe and the Round Table: Biden’s America in a Multipolar World — Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J S DaviesWorld’s Most Expensive Coffee Requires Animal Cruelty… — Nina JackelTaxpayer-Funded Drug Research Should Require Open-Source Sharing by Big Pharma —Dean BakerEnding the Myth of American Innocence —Lenore DanielsExtend Child Care Vouchers, Get Parents Back to Work —Bruce FullerBlack Lives Matter and Antisemitism Is Not Cool —David LoveAdding Fuel to the Fire of Our Pandemics —Julianne MalveauxHybrid Model of School Reopening Not Safe Either Steven Singer Even if these disastrous developments fail to snuff out the human race, plenty of mass misery can be expected from the rising economic and social inequality occurring around the globe. Many humans are endangered.

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