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Content is strictly copyrighted by Kirk Mona and may not be reproduced without permission. It will bite humans when handled, the bite feeling somewhat like a bee sting. Features  in: "I was quite surprised as I had absolutely no idea they could bite. Categories  Family Notonectidae (backswimmers)

A strong burning sensation spread through my finger as though I had been stung by a paper wasp. Follow him @ I felt a pinch on my pinky finger and quickly pulled my hand out of the water.

Even then I wanted to know what things were. If 15,000 kids over 17 years managed to not get bitten though you must need to really tick them off to get bitten.

So, there you go. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree....

They are a little less than a centimeter long, swim on their back and use long oar like legs to propel themselves through the water. They are one of the more common critters we find. I've seen more than a few backswimmers  in my life.

Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. To this day I still remember the Backswimmer with it's prominent "No Touch" or "Biting" warning language. The backswimmer injects digestive enzymes and other chemicals into the animal which paralyze it and begin to dissolve the insides into goo. They catch prey with their legs and quickly pierce their skin or exoskeleton with their sharp beak.

It did not actually hurt, but was sharp enough for me to let it go in my surprise! It preys on insects, small tadpoles, and fishes, sucking their body fluids through its strong beak. Why didn't anyone ever tell me this? True bugs are those insects with piercing mouth parts. Similar species: Backswimmers are often confused with water boatmen (family Corixidae), which are not predaceous and do not bite. Those who've felt the wrath of the backswimmer will tell you their bite feels quite like a bee sting.

I was always the neighborhood kid crashing through the weeds, scouring the forest, flipping logs and looking for insects, amphibians, and reptiles. Instead, they breathe through openings in the body that lead to the internal organs and cells. I saw this as a great personal learning opportunity so here is what I have learned. The backswimmer is often seen floating on the water surface with its legs extended, ready to dart away if disturbed. I'll pass on that endevour. Instead of the pain going away as I would expect from a tiny pinch from a tiny bug, it got worse and worse.

The backswimmer has been known to bite humans and in addition to being notoriously painful, its bite can cause some pretty awful welts. That works out to somewhere around 15,300 students. I learned many valuable things that summer but one of the first was a staple of the naturalist trade; Dip netting. I've never been bitten but I'm always wary and aware of them in the pool and elsewhere. Take a group of kids down to a lake or pond, scoop around with nets from the shore or dock and empty the contents into kitchen tubs, cool whip containers or whatever you can find.

The grousewinged backswimmer, N. undulata, found in North America , can often be seen swimming under the ice during the winter. Backswimmers are in the insect order Hemiptera making them "true bugs." Insects do not have lungs. Head not overlapping prothorax; scutellum large, exposed; all legs long and slender, hind pair longest; male stridulating mechanism involving front legs and labium; inhabits fresh and mineral waters; diving air stores trapped under hairs on underside of abdomen, hence inverted position in swimming; bite… History at your fingertips For example, both water striders and … In one of my favorite versions, we would sort the animals into small tubs by species, with the kids doing all the identifying, and then tally up the results and look at population dynamics. So far my insides have not liquified.

They are all predators and typically range from 0.5 to 1.5 cm (0.2–0.6 in) in length. The enzymes are irritating and burn like the sting of a wasp. Backswimmers have a very nasty bite.

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