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After the Boston Massacre, a group known as the Sons of Liberty formed more than 80 chapters in towns in Massachusetts.

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They took control of the government, making General Thomas Gage the governor.Question: What happened after the Boston Tea Party?Answer: The British put the hammer down on the colonists, hoping to subdue them.

On March 5, 1770, colonists in Boston threw snowballs and rocks at British soldiers.The soldiers fired.

Previously, wealthy colonies, such as Virginia, had been loyal to the crown. Dressed as Indians, they went to the tea ships lying in the Boston Harbor and threw 45 tons (more than 80,000 pounds) of tea in the sea.In retaliation, the British passed the Coercive Acts. Boston Massacre Prelude to a Revolution Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Jobs were lost. Regardless, five Bostonians were killed. A young apprentice named Edward Gerrish accosted an officer on the night of The commotion brought the Officer of the Day, Captain In all the commotion, Captain Preston's order of "Don't Fire" was likely misinterpreted, and as the parties closed, the soldiers did fire.

Some accounts claim they fired on purpose; others say that the first shot was a mistake.

"From the opening "meeting" to the walk in the replica ship, then the multi-media experience with projected characters that the guides interact with it was enjoyable for the whole family." What Was the Boston Massacre? On March 5, 1770, in Boston, Massachusetts, British troops shot at a group of people, killing five of them.

By 1770, although some colonists were still loyal to the crown, many others were upset about the taxes and the troops and the disregard the British Parliament had shown for the needs of the American colonists. Learning Prompts About the Boston Massacre: Poster Prompt 1: Draw a poster that defines the key terms and events in this lesson. The first page deals with the hard evidence, including the date, location, description of the incident an Their plan backfired. Boston Massacre Worksheets.

Colonists called it the Intolerable Acts. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. The Boston Massacre Police Report is a two-sided worksheet that requires students to collect facts and opinions surrounding the Boston Massacre. Governor Thomas Hutchinson ordered the soldiers arrested.After the Boston Massacre, a group known as the Sons of Liberty formed more than 80 chapters in towns in Massachusetts.Samuel Adams, often called the “Firebrand of the American Revolution” called for Committees of Correspondence, which met and wrote to each other about news and ideas. They closed the port until the colonists paid for the tea and banned all town meetings. Road to Revolution for Kids 1770 - The Boston Massacre Repeal of all Townshend Acts except the Tea Tax. This committee helped unify the colonists in their desire for freedom.In 1773, the British passed the Tea Act, which stated that the colonists could only buy tea from the East Indian Company.

This bundle includes 11 ready-to-use Boston Massacre worksheets that are perfect for students to learn about this key development within the American revolution where a number of people were killed in a street fight between British troops and American people.

Samuel Adams, often called the “Firebrand of the American Revolution” called for Committees of Correspondence, which met and wrote to each other about news and ideas. Parliament’s plan was to help the tea company while selling cheap tea to Americans.

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