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The high precision allowed easy assembly for one of the most innovative and complex structural systems that have been worked only with the premise of stress.
Introducción Los arquitectos Günther Behnisch y Frei Otto fueron los encargados de proyectar y construir el estadio que albergaría los Juegos Olímpicos de Múnich 1972. Munich, Germany, 1971. Designed by the German architect Günther Behnish and the engineer Frei Otto , the Olympic Stadium was considered revolutionary for its time. All images are © each office/photographer mentioned. Otto had to adapt their design to the preconceived form above for the winner Günther Behnisch.In 1916, Berlin was selected to host the VI Olympic Games, but the event was suspended for the initiation of World War II. The stadium has dimensions of 105x68m capacity for 69,250 spectators, with a grassy field surrounded by track.The roof of the Olympic Stadium in Munich, which covers and unifies the stadium, tracks and pools, was developed based on the use of computerized mathematical procedures in determining their form and behavior, resulting in an architectural form of “minimal surfaces “first used in voltage covered with these dimensions, 74.800m2.First, the metal frame, whose small spaces were coated with PVC, created numerous minimal surfaces and as such was also minimal weight, allowing the construction of an architectural cover lightness.Second, the surface tension of these forms is completely balanced, providing very stable construction.The numerous “shopping” and “umbrellas” ceiling raised in The roof of the main stadium is a polyester fabric coated with PVC suspended independently in each of the cells formed by a network of prestressing cables. ... Frei Otto, Fritz Auer, Jörg Schlaich, Rudolf Bergermann, and others. When there were six days for the completion of the Games, eight Arab commands gained access to the Olympic Village, killing two members of the Israeli Olympic representation and seizing nine others hostage, the group demanded the release of 234 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails and two imprisoned in Germany and Egypt transfer insurance. There are no comments yet - be the first to add your thoughts The junction between the various cables that make up the structural mesh is materialized by a knot of steel casting with a system using bolted anchors and tensioned. Stephen Hodder, the current president of RIBA, told The Independent, “Frei Otto was the archetype for collaboration between professions for half a century – in fact he was a one-man collaboration in his own right. Site Plan The geometric precision cut patterns and prefabrication required in the project forced the development of new computational method, of particular relevance in the “Architecture HighTech” and a revival of cast steel in structural engineering using molds polystyrene.It took large pipes and steel cables to lift and keep in the air the structure on which the canopy would be supported. real-world solutions, and more. Otto’s work was an inspiration for designs by younger architects, such as Nicholas Grimshaw’s Eden Project and the Millennium Dome by Richard Rogers.He wrote extensively throughout his long career. “Of course we have to understand nature to know how far we have to go against nature. Otto set an architectural milestone in turning Behnisch’s ambitious vision into reality. That night the hostages were killed in a shootout between terrorists and police in West Germany, at a military airport.The Olympics were only suspended for one day, September 5, to pay tribute at the Olympic Stadium athletes killed before the abandonment of the Israeli delegation to the competition.Located in the heart of the Olympiapark München in northern The Munich Olympic Park, built for the event is in the area of ​​the city known as “Oberwiesenfeld”, “High Meadow Country” or “Mountain of Debris” because during the Second World War was a military ground It was destroyed and debris created this mountain.
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