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And the third phase, he says, is maintaining that rebellion. “Hypo- vs. hyper-, left vs. right, and pre- vs. post- are just a few examples of words the MLS needs to pay particular attention to.” Jones says health care documentation specialists should arm themselves with medical knowledge, particularly the following:• appropriate context for common homonyms such as perineal/peroneal/peritoneal, aphagia/aphakia/aphasia, mucous/mucus, and obfuscation/obstipation;• a thorough understanding of anatomy and physiology to know context of the body part or system described in the dictation;• common normal lab values to recognize outliers; and“Ensure adequate training and superior knowledge of medical language, diagnostics, medications, disease processes, anatomy/physiology used for various work types, authors, and medical specialties to be able to transcribe or edit content in context,” Fox-Acosta says, adding that credentialing from the AHDI quantifies this knowledge.No matter how seasoned or knowledgeable, no one knows it all, and questions undoubtedly will arise. Power grabs usually take the form of complicated rule changes—such as a lower retirement age for judges or a modification of the selection mechanisms for members of the country’s electoral commission—whose true import is difficult to grasp for ordinary citizens. “And provide periodic in-services and/or other communication with physicians on dictation standards and protocols.”In such instances, Jones recommends health care documentation specialists flag the document and ask the physician or a QA reviewer for clarification. Once they consolidate their authority, however, populist dictators fail to live up to their most important promise. The AKP candidate suffered a much bigger defeat in the second election. To be sure, he attempted a coup that failed (November 8, 1923), and he was imprisoned. – Era Mar 17 '16 at 14:38 It is a bargain that has collapsed confronted with the espousal by regimes of neo-liberal economic policies, widespread corruption and the same desire by young Arabs for more political autonomy.Larbi Sadiki, who lectures on democratisation at Exeter University and has recently returned from observing Tunisia's Jasmine Revolution, asks the key question. If populists manage to gain effective control over key institutions, such as the judiciary and the electoral commission, then the bell has tolled for democracy. Ultimately, flagging to the author/clinician to review can be extremely important to highlight discrepancies and provide clarity.” But this new consensus is now in danger of hardening into an equally misguided orthodoxy. It is not simply because the state use of violence - whether in Bahrain or Romania, Egypt or Libya - acts as reminder of its brutal nature at a time when it is more vulnerable than it realises. Dictators can jail opposition leaders or order soldiers to fire into a crowd of peaceful protesters; democratic leaders can, at best, appeal to reason and shared values. Technology, in this account, fuels the dissemination of the populists’ stories of legitimation when they first storm the political stage, but it fails to rival the power of their guns once their stories of legitimation have lost their hold.It is too early to conclude that the populist dictatorships that have arisen in many parts of the world in recent years will be able to sustain themselves in power forever. Having once believed that liberal democracy was the obvious endpoint of mankind’s political evolution, many experts now assume that billions of people around the world will happily forgo individual freedom and collective self-determination. “That just makes double work for everyone.”According to Jones, there are several ways health care documentation specialists can work with physicians to create better documentation on the front end.

Get in-depth analysis delivered right to your inbox "There are different considerations for those in the military, police or special forces, defined by their role. We have them attached to specific dictators so that when the transcriptionist goes in to transcribe the note, this little reminder pops up for her to read.” “Continuous training and furthering their education are examples of proactive steps that MTs can take to minimize errors,” Logan says. A small elite controlled the country, dispensing with the will of the people whenever they dared to rebel against the elite’s preferences.

And it is not, as John Barry and Christopher Dickey remarked in a recent article in the Daily Beast website, a cheap business.In the end, however, the success of a rebellion depends on the crossing of a fear barrier by enough people, not simply the small group of dedicated dissidents. “There can be so much background noise either in the dictation or within your office environment that you have to be able to zero in on the author’s voice. In North America and western Europe, populist leaders have gained control of the highest levers of power over the course of only the past few years. He worked to improve the lives of the plebeians, the middle- and lower-class Romans.. Dictators were appointed off and on as necessary until 202 B.C.

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