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Carving and decorative engraving, for example, became rarer and less differentiated. These utensils were almost entirely functional, with no ritual purpose. While throat singing and traditional dance are practiced by the older Inuit, the younger generation prefer more contemporary styles of music. The size of the hunting community depended on the resources of the area; if there were plenty of game or meat, the groups could contain six to 10 families. Through the name, the child literally assumed the relationship of his/her namesake. Societal relationships are not as highly correlated to survival. The suicide rate of the Inuit rose four times as high as the one of the remaining population of Canada. They have also recognized that they are much better able to influence their conditions of living to their own ideas, when they agree within regional bounds on the goals to be pursued. Today many Inuit read and write both English and Inuktitut. They share a relatively recent common ancestor and a language group. They often left behind the tools and implements needed for hunting caribou and other summer activities, because they would revisit their summer camp next year, and much of what they needed would remain there. Older Inuit still have faith in shamans, and their ideology is a blend of traditional beliefs and modern theology. Therefore, there is a relationship between the two. Besides listening to the hunters' stories, the children enacted their own hunts by watching animals and observing their behaviour. Some of these are listed below. Today Inuit in most Nunavut communities are closely related. Beginning in the 1950s, it became concerned about three issues: military security requirements, discovery of economically important natural resources, and an increasing sensibility for the special concerns of the Inuit. Possibly, they came in close contact with the Saqqaq culture. The use of namesakes created yet another bond. In between they would harvest berries, birds eggs, fish for lake trout or cod and use whatever food nature provided.

The man's sleeping place was near the weapons and hunting equipment; the children were nestled between their parents for warmth. This involved performing certain rituals. Drum dances are still common in many Nunavut communities, as are electric guitars and rock and roll bands.

The hunters would describe in detail the location where they spotted the animal.

The Canadians erected the first administrative and police stations in 1903, near the important whaling base of Starting at the beginning of the 20th century, radical changes occurred for the Arctic people. During a period of five thousand years, the Inuit groups have grown apart ethnically. In addition, the trade with more significant products gained from these activities, like seal furs, or ivory from Given all of the above, the central task of the territorial leadership is the conciliation of tradition and modern life. Some put summer tents made of seal skins. (2011). Nowadays, the division of tasks and responsibilities between male and female Inuit are, following Canadian legislation, not very different from western industrialized nations, of which the Inuit are considered a part. It is not seldom that the woman assumes the sole role of the breadwinner, while the man is unemployed. From early times, the Inuit adapted their way of life to the frozen land and sea of the Arctic. Many people also use a boat and motor during the brief summer period when the ocean is free of ice. There are too many people and not enough resources in the local area. Numerous stories traditionally told by the Inuit show the close relationship between nature and the people. The capitalist way of thinking in the south of Canada has been a large challenge for the Inuit.

Moreover, the products of the kill depended too much on market and fashion fluctuations, not to speak of concerns related to protection of species and of the environment. The participants fingers were used to form a series of loops that resembled, for example, animal shapes. One such game was cat's cradle, which encouraged innovative thinking.

In the summer months, they lived in tents or timber-framed houses. In the winter, when snow and ice lay on the ground, they lived in blocks of hard-packed snow, called igloos. Those early European arrivals did not intend to settle Canada.

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