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Rubio, R-Shrinking Violet, needs a civics lesson. — Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) June 8, 2019.

It will be a close election, they always are, but I believe he will win and that includes Florida.”“It’s not going to be easy to get there, but I believe we ultimately will. In 2016, Rubio and Trump … A real spit-take punchline.The Constitution, so quaint, so charming, is always the first casualty of political ambition.

He pledged his fealty to the U.S. Constitution – not to Trump, or Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, or the Republican Party, or Sean Hannity, or Fox News.To make this commitment a bit easier, Rubio, whose forthcoming memoir ought to be titled “Women And Children First, But Not Before Marco Rubio,” isn’t even up for re-election until 2022. “Will the season look the same as it did in the past? U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., appeared on “Fox and Friends” on Fox News on Tuesday and he want to bat for President Donald Trump and the GOP’s latest stimulus plan as the nation looks to recover from the coronavirus pandemic..


It’s going to feel different.

“Right now, it is a very strange environment because of the pandemic, but eventually this race becomes a choice between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. It’ll take a little bit of time, but we have to do something, and that’s why I’m confident that we ultimately will do something that’s meaningful,” Rubio added.Rubio also turned his attention to how COVID-19 is impacting the Sunshine State, including weighing in on reopening schools and restarting youth sports.“We have to be in the job of mitigating risks, whether that’s in our schools or on the sports field.

It’s going to be a different season.

We’re hoping, [but] if people go back to doing what they were doing a month ago, the numbers will spike up again. And we have to be flexible and nimble. There are benefits to opening schools. So does Trump.

The anti-Trump Lincoln Project is now targeting Florida Republicans Rick Scott and Marco Rubio Posted By Jim Turner, the News Service of Florida on Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 1:18 PM click to enlarge

The nation’s founding document becomes so much confetti when craven glad-handers can’t bring themselves to stand up for the very country they swore to defend.The senator should not brush off the president’s invitation to China to interfere in U.S. elections, columnist Daniel Ruth writes. Ultimately, a lot of credit to our doctors, our hospitals, they’ve improved outcomes. Why Marco Rubio And Ted Cruz Think Israel Is A Winning Issue Against Donald Trump During Thursday night's Republican debate, moderator Wolf Blitzer asked Donald Trump to explain why, in a recent interview, Trump had said he'd be "neutral" in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Friday, July 31, 2020 Florida Sen. Marco Rubio continued to express reservations about Donald Trump as the Republican front-runner, saying Sunday that he's worried someone could …

Rubio also released a statement: By using all the tools available to him under U.S. law, President Trump has advanced the protection of our national security interests. Too heavy a lift?Rubio, whose forthcoming memoir, “Shadows That Scare the Bejabbers Out of Me,” was in fine form a few days ago when he was asked if he might have just the merest reservation that President Donald Trump had encouraged China to help dig up dirt on a potential political rival, former Vice President Joe Biden,.and Biden’s son, Hunter.In highly technical legal terms, soliciting a foreign power to become your bagman is considered really, really stupid. Of course not. The media does indeed get fired up by a sitting president extorting foreign leaders and subverting the nation’s electoral processes.

He could have at long last found a moral voice to decry a sitting president’s ham-handed grifting of Ukraine and China to provide opposition research to further his political agenda.He could have committed (shush!) I don’t know if it will take two weeks or one week or three weeks. There are benefits to sports in high schools, especially because they attach a lot of kids to school,” Rubio said.

But apparently even three years away from facing the voters isn’t enough time to grow a spine or find a conscience.Florida’s senior senator could have done the right thing. Ah at last! And illegal.But not to Master Marco, whose forthcoming memoir ought to be titled, “Profiles In Obsequiousness.” Rubio had no problem with Trump trying to enlist China’s Xi Jinping as his Sancho Panza of corruption.Indeed, Rubio, R-Boo!, blithely dismissed Trump’s efforts to extort a foreign power to do his knee-capping as little more than a presidential exercise in hilarious comedy.“He’s pretty good at getting everybody fired up and he’s been doing that for a while and the media responded right on task,” Rubio shrugged.And he’s quite right. We’re going to have an election that’s legitimate, it’s going to be credible, it’s going to be the same as we’ve always done it,” Rubio … But that is a whole other story.Upon ascending to the U.S. Senate, Rubio took an oath of office swearing to protect and defend the United States against enemies foreign and domestic. It’s going to look different.

We provide you with the latest news and from all around the state. SITE DESIGNED BY Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Our coronavirus coverage is free for the first 24 hours. “He can suggest whatever he wants.

But that is a whole other story. That is usually the first indicator that you’re going to start to see some drop off.

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