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In New Plymouth, if Māori parents want their children educated through te reo Māori, there is only one choice, unless they are happy to travel 45 minutes to Opunake. These include kōhanga reo (Māori medium early childhood education services), kura kaupapa (Māori medium schools) and kura reorua (bilingual and Māori language immersion classes in mainstream schools). Māori student achievement in English medium schools As acknowledged by education minister Hekia Parata, most Māori students are being educated in English medium settings. It is now established for school-age children in kura kaupapa and in bilingual units and classes.This is one of the most important developments in New Zealand education and it has created a strong demand for speakers of te reo Māori at all levels of our education system. Persons or organisations wishing to send email material to individuals or organisations whose email addresses appear in this directory must comply with the requirements of the To learn more about these types of functions use the package help function Teacher hub Customise your financial capability learning programme here. Students. As at 1 July 2019, there were 290 schools with students enrolled in Māori medium, twelve more than in July 2018. If they want them educated through te reo Pākehā, there are 39 choices. "It's certainly different, they're enjoying the different. Manu Paringatai HOD Māori, Linwood College: That’s where you’ve got to define between a Māori teacher and a teacher who is Māori. Schools included in this directory are all schools recorded as having at least 1 student enrolled in Māori medium education (Māori Language Immersion Levels 1-2). Curriculum Guidelines for Teaching and Learning Te Reo Māori in English-medium Schools: Years 1-13.

A list of New Zealand schools where all, or some, of their students are taught curriculum subjects in the Māori language for at least 51 percent of the time.We have recently been in contact with schools and many have agreed to have their email addresses publicly released. This includes 4 types of schools: Māori medium school is a school where all Students are recorded as enrolled in Māori medium education Of the 21,489 students who were involved in Māori medium, 96.7% identified as Māori and 56.3% attended a school where all students were enrolled in Māori medium. How funding is worked out for each school.

These email addresses have now been added to the Māori Medium Schools Directory downloads. Teachers.

Sorted in Schools. About. The amount the school is paid each quarter is calculated as follows: Per-student rate x eligible students x annual gazetted school days ÷ 4 + Eligible students x per-student admin rate of $3.35 + GST. Although many Māori students study within the mainstream education system, increasing numbers are taking advantage of growing opportunities in Māori medium education. These include kōhanga reo (Māori medium early childhood education services), kura kaupapa (Māori medium schools) and kura reorua (bilingual and Māori language immersion classes in mainstream schools). Some schools do automatically assume oh there’s a brown face, they can speak Māori, they can take the Māori side of things. Resources. The idea of a Māori immersion curriculum has grown and been nurtured through kōhanga reo.

Don’t tell me about Māori privilege. If you would like more information, check out

If you have any questions about education data then please contact us at: Search Māori Medium Education Site Sign up Login MENU Guides. Curriculum guidelines (PDF, 4 MB) About the levels Foreword Greetings Introduction Support materials Te reo Māori Regional dialects Features of the written code Parangi said she was thankful most of them now knew what to expect over the next two weeks. So, how well are Māori represented in those English-Medium schools? Māori Medium schools are paid $3.35 per student, per quarter. 1 (According to the minister, students in the Māori medium sector make up only two per cent of the education system). Although many Māori students study within the mainstream education system, increasing numbers are taking advantage of growing opportunities in Māori medium education. The Māori medium school in Kaitaia acted quickly when Covid-19 arrived in New Zealand, providing laptops to all its students in Years 6 to 13 three days before the lockdown.

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