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View from the top of the ramparts looking north. Interesting to hear about your Albany trip. Second Lieutenant John Digby Cartwright, 2nd Bn., Durham Light Infantry; died 9 August 1915, aged 20; name recorded on the Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Ieper, West-Vlaanderen (Addenda Panel 57. For now, at least. The memorial bears the names of The names are engraved in Portland Stone panels fixed to the inner walls William Digby Cartwright and Lucy Harriette Maud Cartwright, of Aynhoe rectory, Banbury, Oxon. The right hand side of the panel contains names of men of the East Yorkshire and Bedfordshire Regiments. The Centenary was a magnificent event years in planning. Lance Corporal. the CWGC at:The first modern guidebook to the Western Front battlefields, first published in 1976, by the late Rose E B Coombs. town's eastern exit or gateway, known at the time by its French name of the Porte de Menin. We are heading across the Market Square (the Grote Markt), past the Cloth Hall on our left towards the Menin Gate just visible in the far distance, at the far end of the Menenstraat. The road leading from the market place to the Menin Gate Memorial is the Meensestraat. Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. The same inscription is carved on each of the western and eastern panels:Above the panel with the dedicatory inscription on the western entrance, facing the town, there is a sculpted sarcophagus with a flag and a wreath.For four years, between October 1914 and September 1918 thousands of British troops marched up this The missing of the Army Service Corps are inscribed on Panel 56, just visible to the right inside the doorway, and one of those names is that of another man executed during the war (there are four in total among the names on the Menin Gate). He won his VC for gallantry during three separate actions in South Africa in late 1899, and was killed on 12th November 1914 at Gheluvelt whilst commanding the 1st Guards Brigade during the First Battle of Ypres. So thank you for your kind comments. This is a busy main road into the town centre.

Markt (market square), which is a few minutes' walk away. His name can be found as the first name at the very top of Panel 3, which is the first panel on the left when entering the memorial from its western end (from the direction of the town and Meensestraat).The Menin Gate Memorial to the Missing is located on the east side of the town of Ypres.Access to the Memorial is easiest on foot. Panel 32 includes the name of Lieutenant Hugh McKenzie of the Canadian Machine Gun Corps, the third of the Canadian VCs.The right hand side of Panel 34 lists the names of men of the East Surrey Regiment and, for reasons I have explained more than once before, the following photos show their names in closer detail.Above us, the lights illuminate the names of Scottish and Irish regiments……before we continue down, past Panel 34 on our left……to the bottom of the staircase (Panel 22 on our right).Looking back up the steps, men of the Gloucestershire Regiment listed on Panel 22 in front of us.Panel 1, on the column we passed when we first entered the Main Hall……is inscribed, as mentioned much earlier, with the names of yet more men of the Indian Army.Beneath Panel 1, an explanation as to why there are no New Zealand names to be found on the Menin Gate.Which brings us to the end of our visit. Ieper. by The memorial is built of reinforced concrete faced with Euville stone Very evocative. Registers are arranged alphabetically by name.Odd numbered panels 1-59 are to be found on the north side of the road. Menin, now the location of the arch of the memorial, and went out into the Ypres Salient battlefields.Above the panel on the east side of the memorial there is a sculpture of a lion lying down. 145th Brigade of 48th Division. The Canadian names continue to the top.The understated yet elegant ‘India in Flanders Fields’ memorial.Thousands more names line the wall of the southern loggia.Panel 38, visible through the doorway at the south western corner, Panel 40 on the far right of the picture.Panel 54 seen through the doorway at the south eastern corner. And yet today you would never know.

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