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Sorry, you said that you should be on both go Beckley Tempe. I mean Plato, said there was an advanced civilization with advanced agriculture, advanced architecture, advanced navigational abilities which was submerged by the sea swept from the face of the earth so that mankind had to begin again like children. He seemed so reasonable, but there's fifty like him and each of them thinks that they're they're right they're, not there's your language. What was his conclusion? Look at those those are Missoula floods, late, late, Missoula he's got him dated you're, seeing that he's he's got standard deviations one and two standard deviations on on the. Well, I say and maybe we can bring him on the problem with that is- is that what does platinum have to do with the common you know, platinum, Sir High in Astros, but they're, not high in comments. Ok, so it's not sure it's not a problem of intelligence and is there ok? These are a shambles. They carved away the rock around them, which is pretty sophisticated stuff for hunter gatherers, So I mean it's pretty impressive, stuff, ok, but there. Ok, take it easy, buddy sound down that's a lot of energy, so these podcasts along I mean four hours ago sitting there on standby. If you want to Easter Island, can I see you found the demo? He should quit overconfidence. Is that argument from either ignorance or personal incredulously? Okay, your talk came out someone who's saying that human beings, how many millions of years old, 10s of millions 10S of bills well. I think I figured out why Einstein was wrong and he can't address the mall and then they're, smart people, they're, thoughtful people, I really believe it. It did him a lot of harm in his degree, and if all this was true and then a very young? It would be if they came by boat. Schooling, as I have no dog in this fight. Such destruction must be highly speculative, so basically, What you're seeing here is a mastodon that got smashed into the into the ground, while the the forces there were strong, powerful, shear forces that would have literally separated his leg from the fourth. You know the default position is the skeptical position. We rising of the sea level, all that's lost, Lawston! What do we mean by rapid okay. Streamed live on May 16, 2017 Graham Hancock is an English author and journalist, ... Graham Hancock, Randall Carlson & Michael Shermer - JRE … There's there's there's a in a whole range of of issues regarding sea level rise in that very area which anybody with an interest in the subject should be paying attention to. Will he say, and like twelve thousand right, I'm saying the rifle evidence suggests that I added a line meant that its alignment with the consolation of LEO Housing, the sun right right on on the spring equinox, is an equinox, a market. Despite Shermer's poor performance, Hancock didn't really achieve anything either because he won't debate the very academics he rages against. And how do we know and so what? Who are you know for that period, technologically advanced with with the the Clovis point in the the Apple Island and the spear, the replaceable spear tip that must've been devastating to the former, but the the idea of attacking at approach the city and to me is almost unthinkable. They see. But what you appear to be saying, Malcolm, is that there is an abundance of impact proxy evidence which, in your opinion, adds up to a cosmic impact of some sort, not necessarily a comet you're suggesting an asteroid is a mysterious event in that sense, but what it up to is an impact in your view, I'm is that a fair, a fair proxies, MAX Urals the platinum group elements the melt glass which I haven't discussed yet and the nanograms diamonds are enhanced and the enhancement has been replicated on numerous occasions for each of these.

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