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The United States paid to upgrade the Vardø radar station near Kirkenes and begin joint intelligence collection.“If you have been active in Russia you are approached, especially if you are a leader because then you're in position to meet people at a higher level,” said Rune Rautio, an employee of the Kirkenes business garden who used to travel to Russia every other week and has been occasionally questioned by Norwegian intelligence for years.
Each of the pairs of poles are both located 2 meters (6 ft 7 in) from the border, unless the border runs through water. And we also see that the tactics are becoming more advanced."

The Arctic region was peaceful, as Russia stopped being a concern, says Col. Joern Erik Berntsen, the commander of Norway's Finnmark Land Defense. In October, about 1,400 Norwegian troops carried out military exercises at the camp. Directly ahead, across the Barents Sea, is the small Norwegian island of Vardo, which houses a "Apparently it's annoying the Russians a lot," says Capt. "Fighting during winter conditions is probably the hardest you can do," says Platoon Commander Lt. Benjamin Thompson. That changed in 2014 when Russia annexed Crimea. It's a steep climb, but once you reach the apex, there's a good chance one of the young Norwegian conscripts manning the outpost will have a platter of waffles — topped with strawberry jam and sour cream, a Norwegian favorite — waiting. The center-right minority government’s decision received broad support from Norwegian opposition parties, but was criticized by the far left. Platoon Commander Lt. Benjamin Thompson at Norway's military base. Claire Harbage/NPR The U.S. troops are stationed some 1,500 km (900 miles) from the Russian border. Russian POWs in World War II and in Norway.

This caused a decrease in allied interest in Norway's border issue, leaving Norway more to itself in managing the relationship.In 2003 a new border station was opened at Borisoglebsk, financed by the Work started in 2011 on the Russian side and 2014 on the Norwegian sideNegotiations on the outside marine border were initiated in 1970. Capt. "What we don't want to do is to back into a military conflict or military arms race, or back into militarization of the Arctic if we don't have to.In September, the U.S. flew a B-2 stealth bomber over the Arctic. Given the potential volatility of events in the FPZ, how do Norway and Russia manage to avoid escalation in the case of a crisis? The Russian markers have a pattern of alternating red and green, each 18 centimeters (7.1 in) tall. “Fifty metres from here is the Russian general consulate. The Soviets quickly bought a small cabin to host meetings. Part of their training was how to fight under winter conditions.

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