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We work to identify and evaluate material risks and opportunities to make better decisions and to be engaged asset owners. Learn about Ontario Teachers' investment funding strategy

With $207.4 billion in net assets as of December 31, 2019, the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan is the largest single-profession pension plan in Canada. February 25, 2020 — Ontario Teachers’ will initially acquire a 46.0% free cash flow interest in New Afton. Please see the Rating Methodologies page on www.moodys.com for a copy of these methodologies.This announcement applies only to EU rated and EU endorsed ratings. We’re honoured to be recognized as one of the world’s leading pension plans.Working with partners who share our investment and business goals is the best way to meet our members’ retirement needsWe truly believe that our people drive our success.Learn about our 2019 annual results and read our other reports.Learn about our approach and read our climate change report.Discover the stories of investments that are shaping the future and the people who are guiding our success.Taking preventative measures to protect our employees and communities.If you like to work collaboratively along side the best minds in the business, Teachers' is the organization for you.Our investment professionals use skill, innovation and a long-term focus to earn superior risk-adjusted returns from our global portfolio.Learn about our 2019 annual results and read our other reports.

Our teams are always searching for new investment opportunities, offering flexible capital and other advantages to potential business partners. We are an independent organization that pays defined benefit pensions and invests plan assets on behalf of 329,000 active and retired members. AND/OR ITS CREDIT RATINGS AFFILIATES ARE MOODY'S CURRENT OPINIONS OF THE RELATIVE FUTURE CREDIT RISK OF ENTITIES, CREDIT COMMITMENTS, OR DEBT OR DEBT-LIKE SECURITIES, AND MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, SERVICES AND INFORMATION PUBLISHED BY MOODY'S (COLLECTIVELY, "PUBLICATIONS") MAY INCLUDE SUCH CURRENT OPINIONS. Moody's SF Japan K.K. MSFJ is not a Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization ("NRSRO"). ("MSFJ") is a wholly-owned credit rating agency subsidiary of MJKK. An independent organization, it invests the pension fund's assets and administers the pensions of 329,000 active and retired teachers in Ontario. Information regarding certain affiliations that may exist between directors of MCO and rated entities, and between entities who hold credit ratings from Moody's Investors Service and have also publicly reported to the SEC an ownership interest in MCO of more than 5%, is posted annually at www.moodys.com under the heading "Investor Relations — Corporate Governance — Director and Shareholder Affiliation Policy. For any credit ratings referenced in this publication, please see the ratings tab on the issuer/entity page on www.moodys.com for the most updated credit rating action information and rating history.Ontario Teachers' Finance Trust (OTFT), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Board (OTPP), has a long-term senior unsecured rating of Aa1 and a backed, short-term rating of Prime-1. This document is intended to be provided only to "wholesale clients" within the meaning of section 761G of the Corporations Act 2001. Type: News Items, Teachers' News Releases Topic: Investments. 29, 2020, 01:12 AM AND/OR ITS AFFILIATES.

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