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If you have pets, it might make sense to opt for #2 on our list (the This bait is a versatile answer against both sugar and grease ants as well as cockroaches. You can use this both indoors and outdoors and it claims to be waterproof.The powder is great for immediate results against ants and many other bugs. Ant bait is an insecticide that’s combined with food or liquid to attract ants. The main difference is the potency and chemicals inside.Let Us Solve Your Pest Problem…Right Now!We’ve found the best pest control company in your area that handles this exact pest problem!You’ll have your solution in just a few minutes…call now!You can either buy or make ant bait. Quick View. Once these ants find food, they not only bring it back to their colony and their queen, but they bring more workers back with them. With these bait stations, the colony almost has an unlimited supply of “food.”Since a pack comes with six stations, you can place multiple bait stations if necessary.Last update on 2020-07-04 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising APIAmdro Fire Ant Bait Granules are great for effectively managing a fire ant problem, working to eliminate entire colonies of the attacking insects.Users are to spread the fire ant bait, which is in the form of granules, all over your yard.

This ant bait has a protein base, which is attractive to Argentine Ants and other protein seeking ants (ants that prefer dead insects, rubbish bins, compost heaps, etc instead of jams, sugars and other sweet things). Account & Lists Sign in Account & Lists Returns & Orders. Anthills are just the entrance and exit. You can also use it around pets.The dust is a white powder that you apply with a shaker onto the floor or along cracks in the wall. Granular Ant Bait. It targets their source and finally destroys all their nests. These stations are great for around homes and other buildings.| Updated for 2019Overall Rating: Pros Effective for more than 15 ant species Fast-acting Kills off queen ant and colony Cons May require daily reapplication Can be toxic if ingested More...Taurus SC is a concentrated bug killer originally only used by professionals. Check out our short list of recommended ant baits to keep ants out of your home! For continual protection from these insects, replace the bait every three months.| Updated for 2019Overall Rating: Pros Effective for more than 15 ant species Fast-acting Kills off queen ant and colony Cons May require daily reapplication Can be toxic if ingested More...Taurus SC is a concentrated bug killer originally only used by professionals. Additionally, a colony is also the social organization that ants follow.You have probably seen many ant hills in your life.

We buy bait as a long-term solution and for this reason, I didn’t like the Ant Killer Dust.The clear winner for me is the Most baits out there require a lot of maintenance and accessories to work properly, where some just don't work at all.

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