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The mobile ground station transmits data at a rate of between 4000 and 10,000 bits per second, compared with about 40,000 bits per second for larger stations, says Ren.The team used the mobile ground station to perform A key was relayed via Mozi between the mobile ground station in Jinan and a fixed station in Shanghai.Building a mobile quantum ground station was motivated by demand from users, such as the state-owned Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), for equipment that didn’t require purpose-built infrastructure, says Ren.ICBC and the People’s Bank of China are already using satellite-based quantum key distribution between distant cities, such as Beijing in north-east China and Urumqi in the far north-west.Portable ground stations will be used by these banks in the near future, says Ren.

The space-based component, known as SAGA (Security And cryptoGrAphic mission), would be developed under ESA’s responsibility and consists of satellite quantum communication systems with pan-European reach. The physicists are therefore confident that a global interception-proof communications network based on established satellite technology could be set up within only a few years. Quantum Experiments at Space Scale (QUESS; Chinese: 量子科学实验卫星; pinyin: Liàngzǐ kēxué shíyàn wèixīng; lit.

Christoph Marquardt and his colleagues are therefore relying on the transmission of quantum states via the atmosphere, between Earth and satellites to be precise, to set up a global communications network that is protected by quantum cryptography.In their current publication, the researchers showed that this can largely be based on existing technology.

Since they can largely build on tested and tried technology, the development should take much less time than a completely new development. was the first person to document the operating principle of a pinhole camera, including a description of the straight-line propagation of light. The largest loss occurs due to the widening of the laser beam.

In a simple picture it exploits the fact that a photon – which is what the signals of quantum communication employ – can only be measured once completely: either with the measuring apparatus of the lawful recipient or the eavesdropping device of the spy. The satellite was named after a famous ancient Chinese scientist and philosopher, who around 400 B.C. “The conditions for our research have changed completely,” explains Marquardt. Over large distances the weak and sensitive quantum signals need to be refreshed, which is difficult for reasons similar to those determining the fact that that laser pulses cannot be intercepted unnoticed. Other variations result from the laws of quantum physics - more precisely the uncertainty principle - according to which amplitude and phase of the light cannot be specified simultaneously to any arbitrary level of accuracy.Since the transmission with the aid of the Tesat system already renders the quantum properties of the light pulses measurable, this technique can be used as the basis on which to develop satellite-based quantum cryptography. Over large distances the weak and sensitive quantum signals need to be refreshed, which is difficult for reasons similar to those determining the fact that that laser pulses cannot be intercepted unnoticed. This is because reading quantum information equates to a measurement on the light pulse, which inevitably changes the quantum state of the light.In the laboratory and over short distances quantum key distribution already works rather well via optical fibres that are used in optical telecommunications technology. Using the satellite «Mo Tzu» physics from China, the UK and Singapore have created a quantum communication channel between two Chinese cities.

The first quantum communication satellite -- called Micius in English -- was launched in 2016. “For sure, we will launch more satellites to construct a quantum constellation for global coverage,” says Pan. Unlike established public key encryption methods, this method cannot be cracked as long as the key does not fall into the wrong hands. Named after the ancient Chinese philosopher also known as Mozi, Micius is the world’s first quantum communications satellite and has, for several years, been at the forefront of quantum encryption.

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