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Lucky red envelope [‘xiao hong bao’ in Mandarin; ‘lai see’ in Cantonese]. (No pun intended considering today 20,000 chickens got their heads cut off…With only one day left to make preparations, I’ve been frantically trying to clean the house, as this is the last day to do so. Red Envelopes, (Cantonese: 利是, 利市 or 利事, pinyin: lai shi or lai see; Mandarin 紅包 pinyin: hóng bāo). The Red envelope is also called "lishi" 利是 in Cantonese speaking areas. It is said that the copper cash was circular in shape with a square hole threaded with a red rope for kids in the Ming and the Qing Dynasty. But its symbol of love and blessing has never changed. 4. 330 331 332. At Chinese weddings, the procedure is different. 2. Before Spring Festival, there are always many people waiting at banks to exchange their old or crumpled cash for new notes.3. It is also gifted when a person is visiting as a gesture of kindness for visiting. The customs about Chinese red envelopes, called Yasuiqian in Chinese, say that they are reputed to help avoid evil and ghosts, as well as promise good health. For the pronunciation of "利", instead of "lay", "lai" is also widely accepted through common practice. in cantonese, asking for red envelopes should be lay see dau loi "lay see dau loi" in chinese is: 利是逗來. People like to exchange some new cash to put in the red package, so there is always a long line in the bank before New Year’s arrival. Since the Zhou Dynasty (1046–256 BC), red has become a color that occupies people's heart because it is saturated with the meanings of vitality, warmth, life, bravery, romance, passion, royalty, nobility, success, and health. Digital red envelopes especially offer excitement and value on the Eve of Lunar New Year, as users can win red envelopes by shaking their smart phones during the time that the Gala is being televised.
The money in it is called Hong Bao come in various sizes and designs; some are very simple and some can be very classy and sophisticated depending on occassions. 2012-04-21 07:18:56 2012-04-21 07:18:56.

Red envelopes are gifts presented at social and family gatherings such as weddings or holidays such as Chinese New Year.The red color of the envelope symbolizes good luck and is a symbol to ward off evil spirits. Top Answer. Usage. Those who receive a red envelope are wished another safe and peaceful year. Say “Best wishes for the New Year!” when you give lucky money. A red envelope (紅包, hóngbāo) is simply a long, narrow, red envelope.Traditional red envelopes are often decorated with gold Chinese characters, such as happiness and wealth. The Chinese New Year red envelope is a traditional gift for children during Chinese New Year. A Hong Bao that is given on the Chinese New Year also has the power of warding off evil spirits. Over many years of development, lucky money has become money wrapped in the red envelopes.

The amount of lucky money is usually an integer; people like to exchange the notes of consecutive numbers which means that they are wishing for people to get promotion at every step. (Picture below: red used in clothes and home deco. It is one of the auspicious Red is the color that Chinese people love. in cantonese, asking for red envelopes should be lay see dau loi "lay see dau loi" in chinese is: 利是逗來. Pick a lucky number as the amount for the red envelope. The red envelope is called Hong Bao in Mandarin, and Lai See by Cantonese. It is considered that if young people receive lucky money from the older generation, they will have good luck in the New Year. The numbers two, six and eight are popular, but the number four is an exception, because its pronunciation is similar to the … In years gone by, with medical shortages, children tended to die young; therefore elders gave children one hundred pieces of copper cash after the children greeted them, hoping that it could protect them against demons.

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