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That was an enormous mistake. He lies to us all the time. He’s like a tyrant, like a dictator.”“As the months, the years have gone by now, more and more I’ve come to realize that the Republican party I was a part of, believed in, doesn’t exist.”“If he knows anything out of the Bible, I’d give you a million dollars because I don’t think he knows anything that’s in that book.”” I’m a Republican because I believe in free markets and free trade. I think he is a respectful man who will bring honor back to the United States.”“The hardest thing to watch in the last four or five years with all of this has been the evangelical Christians sell out to this false prophet. I believe he’s an evil man, and we have to get him out of office.”“I didn’t vote for Trump simply because I knew he would make a mockery of our presidency, and turn what is our highest office into a melodrama.”“I thought he was full of it and he certainly is full of it.

I’ve never seen such disaster my entire life. He is a false prophet.”Rep. I think it’s more of the worst part of the party just became so mainstream.

Where Trump on his pulpit has done just the opposite.”“We have the worst president, and I don’t say this lightly, in the history of the United States.

These are Republicans, former Republicans, conservatives, and former Trump voters who can’t support Trump for president this fall. And that is all this administration is, is unaccounted for corruption. ]”“And I’m disappointed that many of my friends and family will accept what’s happening for their own self benefit.

This guy has Trump values.”“When there is a pandemic happening, there are no colors of states. .

I believe that he is an honorable man … I am also a Christian, and I feel that Donald Trump is extremely immoral.“I’m a never Trump Christian Constitutional Conservative with no political home.

We have to do everything in our power to see that he is not elected to another term.”“I don’t believe Trump is an actual Republican.
In fact, it’s imperative to do that.”“It has resulted in some short-term gains for himself and his inner circle, but long-term detriment for our country.”“Trump is almost the opposite of what we need in a leader of this country.

Why I’m Against Trump. I have two daughters, I’m thinking about how they’re impacted.”“It’s scary from the standpoint of where we’re headed fiscally. But after watching him for 3+ years, Donald Trump has clearly failed us as a leader.”“Today, our government is spurning our closest allies, embracing our adversaries, and politicizing our military.”“[My husband and I] thought we’d give Donald Trump a try.

. And I am ashamed to this day for voting for him.”“I believe that if he’s elected again for a second term, it may do irreparable damage to the Republican party. But the man that holds the office, the man that has totally disgraced the office of president of the United States”“I just want to tell everybody that I’ve been watching this guy in charge of the United States tear it apart piece by piece. Don’t be loyal to some party.”“I am a die hard Republican and I’ll be voting for Joe Biden this year.”“Trump lacks character. The economy is not what people thinks it is… [Trump passed] a massive tax break where the wealthy benefitted, not us!”“He has decided to fan the flames of racial hatred, all in order to try and secure the support of his base”“…He’s the most immoral, dishonest, corrupt man to ever hold a seat in our Oval Office. But you should be very concerned with a million people behind me, because you are history.”“My family company was one of the many companies that helped build the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City.

I’m conservative in my values, but I am not what the Republican party is nowadays”“The Republican party has left me. This is a list of Republicans and conservatives who announced their opposition to the election of Donald Trump, the 2016 Republican Party nominee and eventual winner of the election, as the President of the United States.It also includes former Republicans who left the party due to their opposition to Trump and as well as Republicans who endorsed a different candidate.

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