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They were hungry, dirty, diseased, and demoralized. It also reinforced their sense of superiority over the Egyptians.Against the Egyptians and Turks, Napoleon won a series of impressive victories at the Pyramids, Mount Tabor, and Aboukir. 1,200 of the sickest troops were loaded onto boats at Jaffa in the hope they might find medical care at Damietta. 19th May 1798-30th floréal year VI: Bonaparte sets sail for Egypt.11th June 1798-23rd prairial year VI: taking of Malta.2nd July 1798-14th messidor year VI: Bonaparte takes Alexandria. The Battle of the Pyramids is especially noteworthy not just for its impressive setting but also the result. On his return Bonaparte scotched these rumours by re-entering Egypt as if he was at the head of a triumphal army, with his soldiers carrying palm branches, emblems of victory. Despite their earlier successes and the defeat of two Turkish armies, their expedition had turned from triumph to desperation.The Army that retreated from Acre was in complete disarray. Arriving at Jaffa, Bonaparte ordered three evacuations of the plague sufferers to three different points – one by sea to Finally, after four months away from Egypt, the expedition arrived back at Cairo with 1,800 wounded, having lost 600 men to the plague and 1,200 to enemy action. This project was soon put into execution.After the naval defeat at Aboukir, Bonaparte's campaign remained land-bound. Bonaparte ordered an attack on 25 July and the The land battle at Abukir was Bonaparte's last action in Egypt, partly restoring his reputation after the French naval defeat at the same place a year earlier. Yet he turned this defeat into a political triumph. This sortie was supported by its own artillery and a naval bombardment from the British. A young general and statesman at the height of his abilities he made a miscalculation that cost his armies dearly.Yet he turned this defeat into a political triumph. Military executions were unable to deter these attacks and they continued. This was coupled with an interest in the Enlightenment which drove a fascination with Egypt.Politically, he wanted a great success to cement his status in France and isolate enemies abroad.Militarily, he wanted to undermine the British by cutting off their important trade routes. It was on this occasion that the Even so, thanks to the taxes he imposed on them to support his army, the Egyptians remained unconvinced of the sincerity of all Bonaparte's attempts at conciliation and continued to attack him ceaselessly. Faced with vastly superior French forces and the loss of western Malta, von Hompesch surrendered the main fortress of Napoleon departed Malta for Egypt.
They look upon the With Egypt quiet again and under his control, Bonaparte used this time of rest to visit Then, accompanied by his colleagues from the Institut, In the meantime the Ottomans in Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul) received news of the French fleet's destruction at Aboukir and believed this spelled the end for Bonaparte and his expedition, trapped in Egypt. After marching 100 kilometres (60 mi) across the desert the army arrived in All the outer works were in the besiegers' power and a breach could be produced.
This vengeful execution found apologists, who wrote that Napoleon could neither afford to hold such a large number of prisoners nor let them escape to rejoin Jezzar's ranks.

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