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A lack of access to government schools for many poor people has created a booming market for low-cost private schools, which in many areas are the only form of education available to poor families. Over ten years later, the family refuses to send children to that school. This fear is heightened when girls are older and seen as being at greater risk of sexual assault. But there are few signs that it is triggering solutions. “Now I just sit at home all day. Before people weren’t educated and now they are and that’s made them accept girls.”While girls face barriers to education outside the school system, many of the most serious barriers to girls’ education are within the school system. Three years later, Ayesha fled back to her parents. We would just go and sit and then come home,” Hakimah said, about their primary school. In a few cases, interviews were conducted through double translation. “It’s very hot.”Poor families, unable to afford elite private schools, are left with the options of government schools or low-cost private schools. “The education policy is not implemented,” the head of an NGO working with out of school children said. This time Rania did not go back to school because the family viewed the stay as temporary and rent in Karachi was too high to leave money for education costs. For example, the Balochistan government writes: “The quality of education also remains poor and the exponential growth of private schools in the province indicates the low levels of confidence in public sector schooling.”Quality concerns differ in government versus private schools. In data comparing responses across 15 countries to the statement, “A university education is more important for men than for women,” Pakistan had the unhappy distinction of being the country in which there was the greatest increase in the number of people agreeing with that statement, in a comparison of data from 2001 and 2012.A teacher in Peshawar said after poverty, the most common reason for children dropping out of school was: “religious and cultural issues with sending girls out.” She explained: “After eighth grade, a lot of girls get married.… There are some girls who are so good in their studies and have so much potential that I feel very sad when they’re taken out.”“There’s a view that there’s no need to educate girls because they will be married,” an NGO gender expert said. The nearby private school costs 350 rupees ($3) per month. The teacher used to pull our hair. “I personally know many teachers who have other jobs. We spend 3,000 rupees [$29] per month for books.”Paveena, 13, said only one girl in her extended family ever went to school. I also think that other things you learn at university, like independence, are equally helpful. Staying in school helps girls delay marriage, and girls often are forced to leave school as soon as they marry or even become engaged.Many families and girls cited security as a barrier to girls studying. “But she only went for a month. Tamana, 15, an oldest daughter, left school at 13, in ninth grade. Layla said ethnic tensions have eased, but the area remains insecure, especially for women. Families across different parts of the country described incidents of violence in their communities that kept girls out of school for many years afterwards.Many parts of Pakistan face escalating levels of violence related to insurgency, and ethnic and religious conflict. Or do you have a problem which seems insoluble? The director of a community-based organization said that the bribe paid to secure a government teaching position varies but averages around 200,000 rupees (US$1,905). She had completed 10th grade when she married. No chairs—we are trying to arrange chairs. Functioning education institutions should include buildings, sanitation facilities for both sexes, safe drinking water, trained teachers receiving domestically competitive salaries, teaching materials, and, where possible, facilities such as a library, computer facilities and information technology.Governments should guarantee equality in access to education as well as education free from discrimination. There is no shortage of money in the education system in Sindh, but it is not being used properly.”Experts and families also had concerns about teachers’ qualifications and motivation.

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