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I hope some of the recommendations in the article work for you. (I was originally diagnosed with fibromyalgia, which I’m convinced is just a fancy term for “we don’t know what’s wrong with you.”)Many of you have stated that you suddenly developed this sun allergy, travel with your own products, and have issues with hotel detergent/sheets. My husband is in the military and we’re scheduled to move to New Mexico in a few months(from cloudy/rainy England).

I can’t apply sun screen too well because my face is swollen with rashes from the sun. All this happened after moving to Spain from the UK (the north so not not quite as hot as the south but it’s a valley so it’s 35-45°C in summer), so daily life and travelling are not fun. I get the worse break outs while driving. I got it when I was 15 it was horrible for a few years as I couldn’t understand what it is, in the end one of the best dermatologist of my town was able to diagnose my problem. I’m so glad to hear some of the tips are helping! I’m now looking into the special clothing as very often I get a heat rash (not to mention dizzy and really grumpy) from wearing long sleeves :/Anyway, just wanted to say a big thank you for the tips and I hope that you can keep travelling Thanks for reading and sharing your story, DaisyGirl. The reaction usually starts the night after the exposer, and includes the hives/blisters and swelling. I also suffer from solar uticaria. Hope you find some suggestions for relief here in the guide or the comments.Thanks for sharing! It seems very unpredictable. I have a similar reaction in that the exposure happens and then the hives and blisters can start the next day. Discuss using antihistamines to help with anxiety with your doctor. !Long story short, I had been living with a semi-dormant case of lyme disease that was progressively eroding my immune system. stewart, edinburgh uk Keep on keeping on!I am African American with a sun allergy & I travel with the same experiences mentioned above. Yeah, it’s not fun but luckily it’s manageable. For a while, I didn’t know how to vacation. Ugh, that horrible PPD! Most antihistamines are also safe for children over 2 years old. I have rashes on my fingers, neck and arms. Your diagnosis doesn’t have to be an end to your outdoor lifestyle. Depending on the strength of the spray, apply frequently to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes. Thanks for the tip! Thank you for writing this. Then one summer the lesions and rashes started. Will it work for combination skin? I usually start taking them a week before we go on hols so that they are in my system before we arrive as I can,t stand the itching associated with the allergies mentioned.

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