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From War Dragons Wiki. Kullecid is an awesome dragon that takes a little bit of practice to be efficient, this video is here to help you improve your skills with this dragons. Yours seems to have a 1 second cool-down roughly, but mine goes 99% of a full cool-down, the spell then grays out before fully re counting down a second time before it’s finally useable again. … Kullecid Void Parasite A blood-sucking denizen from the darkest depths of the Void. Have screenshots of everything if interested.

Skip to main content. Wind: Damage. It's primary way of avoiding damage when cast coolest clothes, briefly and recovers a portion of its missing ammo After clocking the dragon briefly gains increased breath damage blood missed combines well with coolest other spells and mastering. Dragons ... Kullecid and Vivian arrive in the Dead of Night! Now that the OP imposter has been dealt with (I have a tribute video on my channel too for those who are interested), here is a preliminary video of the Kullecid with the 1 second Blood Mist cooldown.I know a lot of people are interested in whether or both he is still a good dragon so I wanted to get this info out there in a rush, but I will make another (hopefully better) video later when I have had time to practice more.He is still a solid dragon, but requires precise timing and keeping track of multiple variables (spells/towers). It’s the same scenario where kull has a cd. It’s meant to be spammed and the cooldown will be shorter? Its main offensive spell is Stephen strike Stephen strike heavily damages all towers in a small target area and heels coolest on cast Blue Ridge Towers are the highest priority threat as coolest defense Power lies and it's two blue spells blood missed and blood lust Blood missed is coolest.

Read our blog Tales from the Dragon's Den and stay up to date on the latest community and game updates for War Dragons, the hit mobile game for iOS and Android. Very different.Yes Sakura has a cool down if you let that spell complete but you would know that if you had herIt is pretty easy to see in what case Chillz meant where Sakura doesn’t have a cd. By Morreion - Based on data from 5.24 (updated 2020-07-22, with thanks to xGOxMerlin for the data! I’d just figured it’s a universal 1 second…Thanks for clarificationsSo basically waiting it out for breath dmg boost kinda screws ya?In order to dodge consecutive flak shots (if the attack speed is slow enough), you I think pretty much only when one full burst of boosted damage will allow you to kill all the remaining towers on an island.Thanks for the detailed explanation. And if they both let their cloak run to full, then they both have a dps duration.What could be causing a delay in the cool-down? How does the Void Parasite destroy its enemies? )Morreion - Based on data from 5.24 (updated 2020-07-22, with thanks to xGOxMerlin for the data!) Now that the OP imposter has been dealt with (I have a tribute video on my channel too for those who are interested), here is a preliminary video of the Kullecid with the 1 second Blood Mist cooldown.

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