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. But many of the rebels seem to have expected relatively lenient treatment. God bless you, God bless you, my darlings.” In the context of a vicious war it was probably inevitable that the British authorities would mete out the ultimate punishment to at least some of those who had attacked their forces and openly declared an alliance with Germany, the enemy. They sent a courier to the O’Hanrahan house in Phibsborough with a message that “Michael O’Hanrahan, a prisoner at Kilmainham, wished to see his mother and sisters before his deportation to England.”Two of his sisters, relieved that they knew of his whereabouts and that he was to be spared execution, went to Kilmainham to visit him. They were members of the Central Branch, Cumann na mBan. Thomas Kent didn’t take part in the fighting during the 1916 Easter Rising but was still executed because he had intended to take part and because of a gunfight at his home in which a police officer was killed. “The only one of my household that I could cast my longing eyes on was poor Prinnie the dog; she looked so faithful there at the door . They went through the interview with Micheál bravely, but Eileen went down in a dead faint as soon as she was outside the cell. Pearse and 14 other leaders of the rebellion were court-martialed and executed by British authorities in the weeks that followed. Thomas Kent. His reply was that he had not seen these men yesterday, that he did not know them, not having seen them before, that he would not know them again; that he would not feel justified in giving testimony. I had given her an awful shock, but thought it better she should get it now than in Micheál’s cell. “Through a chink in the door I could barely discern the receding figures; silence for a time; then the sharp crack of rifle fire; then silence again. Eoin MacNeill was arrested and tried even though he had tried to stop the Rising. Even some of those who were deported, along with the veterans of the Rising, to English prisons and the Frongoch internment camp in Wales had no previous involvement in violent nationalism. This political anonymity goes a long way towards explaining why Éamon de Valera escaped execution in 1916.

Among them was that of Constance Markievicz, who, according to the young barrister William Wylie, who was co-opted as deputy-advocate general, had pleaded at her trial: “I am only a woman. Later, at Richmond Barracks the O’Hanrahan brothers were seen “crying together, locked in each other’s arms.” Although devastated by the defeat, O’Hanrahan said: “We may go under and have to suffer the penalty, but in my opinion, Ireland is saved.”At his court-martial, O’Hanrahan said: “As a soldier of the Republican army acting under the orders of the Provisional Government of that Republic duly constituted I acted under the orders of my superiors.” On basically no evidence, he was found guilty. I spoke to them and asked them why they were there.

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