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Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. Die while-Schleife erfordert nur einen Fall, damit das gesamte Paket funktioniert, während die do-while-Schleife separate Berichte für alle while-Bedingungen erfordert. The word awhile is an adverb meaning \"for a while.\" The two-word expression a while is the article a plus the noun while, which means \"a period of time\" (as in \"stay here for a while\") or \"the time and effort used\" (as in \"worth your while\").

When used as a conjunction or an adverb, while and whilst are interchangeable: As, when or while ?

Da 1 kleiner als 5 ist, durchläuft das Skript die while-Schleife ein erstes Mal.Die letzte Anweisung im Block der while-Schleife zählt das x um eins herauf, so dass die Schleifenbedingung nach dem vierten Durchlauf nicht mehr zutrifft.

Thanks! They both mean ‘during the time that something else happens’, or ‘in contrast with something else’. The Quick and Dirty Tip is that "awhile" and "a while" both describe a vague length of time, but you use the one-word version when you need an adverb and the two-word version when you need a noun.

Therefore, while is used with sleeping.

Building on this idea, some claim that whilstis like when, and whileis like during.

The sentence contains offensive content. When that is not what is meant, the terms although, whereas, and, or but should be substituted in its place.

Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. According to the 6th edition of the APA Publication Manual (p. 84), the use of while should be limited to its temporal meaning (i.e., to link events occurring simultaneously). {{#verifyErrors}} Wenn die Bedingung Es gibt immer wieder Ausnahmesituationen, in denen es effizienter ist, die while-Schleife vor ihrem Ende zu verlassen:Ein großer Teil der Aufgaben des Scriptings auf Webseiten dreht sich um Arrays bzw. for (let i=0; i .

The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. The while statement executes a statement or a block of statements while a specified Boolean expression evaluates to true. Then in the second sentence, both actions of washing and cleaning are longer actions that take place at the same time. Add the power of Cambridge Dictionary to your website using our free search box widgets.Browse our dictionary apps today and ensure you are never again lost for words. How do you use a while and awhile correctly? Dictionary Future: present continuous to talk about the future (Present perfect simple or present perfect continuous?

Look at the two sentences given below:In both the sentences, the word while is used in the sense of ‘even as.’ Hence, the meaning of the first sentence would be ‘she entered the house even as her friend was having coffee’ and the meaning of the second sentence would be ‘Francis passed the book to me even as she was writing a letter’. Die Anweisung while führt eine Anweisung oder einen Anweisungsblock aus, während ein angegebener boolescher Ausdruck true ergibt. In the first sentence, the longer action is sleeping.

Syntax. Die while-Anweisung prüft die Bedingung (x < 5). The while loop loops through a block of code as long as a specified condition is true. In jeder while-Schleife muss die Schleifenbedingung geändert werden – ansonsten würde die Schleife endlos laufen oder der Browser abstürzen.Das ist nur die einfachste Variante einer while-Schleife, denn die Bedingungen sind meist deutlich komplexer.

Grammar The sentence contains offensive content.

The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. But you can’t always use whilst instead of while. Registrierter Benutzer.

Sammlungen und Strings, deren Länge bekannt ist. {{#verifyErrors}} Sammlungen (In einer for-Schleife wird die Variable i in der for-Anweisung deklariert – eine inline-Deklaration.

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