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I'm really not sure that's an institution I'd want to be associated with.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castr/Reformed exists to be a place where reformed believers, in a broader understanding of the term, can come together, unified by a clear Gospel witness, to exhort one another, spur one another on intellectually in reformed theology, and discuss doctrine.Press J to jump to the feed. His great desire to establish a theological … WTS’s program has taken me back to Luther, Calvin, and the Westminster Divines to sit at their feet to learn theology and to learn the timeless lessons of the work of reformation.IN A DAY WHEN MANY ARE SEEKING THE NEW IN THEOLOGY, WHITEFIELD IS EXPOSING ME TO THE OLD, THE TRIED, AND THE TRUE. Consistories/sessions, classes/presbyteries and other bodies should consider why should we are sometimes willing to accept lower standards in our seminaries than we would for medical schools.All of his thoughts on seminary education are well worth reading. Sort by. Whitefield College offers Christ-centered, home-study programs for students seeking an alternative to the usual college experience. There are more than a few home-made seminaries, which are unable to provide the necessary education, which lack a qualified faculty, which lack the necessary library (and other) resources, that are all too ready to take your money and give you a degree. one recognized by the Department of Education) because it is simply a poor school and thus, likely, a waste of money. There is also a weekly sermon presentation from Reformed Pastors. Some points.Why in the world would he be comparing going to medical school with seminary?

. In a day when many are returning to the truths of the Reformation, it is necessary to study those truths as they were hammered out in their historical context in order to appreciate their contemporary relevance. Might be good to see how Whitfield can help you get the denominational examination requirements.I've seen an OPC presbytery put their exam questions up.It's completely unaccredited, for whatever that's worth.That aside, it does have on characteristic that is something of a red flag for First, its graduates have difficulty finding academic postings elsewhere. Whitefield is totally supported by tuition and gifts from churches and friends of the Seminary. We desire to train ministers with a vision for reformation, i.e., making the nations Christ’s disciples (Matthew 28:19).

Reformed in his theology, he was one of the major influences of the eighteenth century, both in the British Isles and in the Great Awakening in colonial America. 11 comments. We must establish theologically sound institutions that meet the present educational needs of the church, and seek to train a new generation of ministers in the old, time-honored, biblical tradition of the Reformation. Whitefield Theological Seminary is a Reformed theological seminary in Lakeland, Florida, United States. Whitefield Video is a series of presentations that will cover theological, philosophical, apologetical, cultural, and historical topics. save hide report. I have done my studies on it and will be doing a diploma in theology next year, any past current future students?

Its curriculum is designed not only to deepen one’s knowledge and understanding, but also to develop and refine one’s ability to think critically, to analyze carefully, and to communicate clearly and cogently. The seminary holds to the Westminster Standards which includes the Confession of 1647, Larger and Shorter Catechism. ~ BENJAMIN S WALTON, J.D.Whitefield College affords the Christian student an excellent opportunity to practice taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Our courses are specially geared for graduates who intend to teach their own children at home, teach in a Christian school, or prepare for other Christian vocations such as Pastor, Elder, Deacon, counselor etc. 56% Upvoted. in Theological Studies (Standard Track) The Master of Arts in Theological Studies is a fourteen course Standard Track program of studies.The standard track requires less reading and writing than the honors track.This program meets the standard requirements in a traditional seminary program. Courses of study are offered on-site at the seminary's Lakeland offices but primarily through distance learning.

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