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(The last debate was a2. When Sanders talks about the greed of big corporations, he is helping people see that the real enemy of working people is big money, not one another. Sanders thinks that this nation belongs to everyone, not … While the two are friendly, Sanders has long existed as an outsider even with the Democratic Party.


With the presidential election looming, those goals might seem to conflict. Sanders remains a leading contender for the 2020 nomination, but he's no longer the political phenom he was four years ago, forcing him to fight to break from a crowded Democratic field. Thank you. Former Vice President Joe Biden, left, embraces Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., during a Democratic presidential primary debate, Friday, Feb. 7, 2020, hosted by … On January 1, 2019, Sanders’ chances of becoming the 46th President of the United States (+1400, ~6% implied probability) were better than his current political betting futures on April 3, 2020 — exactly seven months until the general election is held on November 3.

Probably not! We are independent, non-profit, advertising-free and 100% reader supported.Common Dreams is a small nonprofit with a big mission. There are many battles to be won, but we will battle them together—all of us. More corrosive and significant is a common feeling that, despite his recent nods leftward, Biden remains largely oblivious to social imperatives—most notably, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Medicare for All.Virtually every exit poll of Democratic primary voters this year reflected strong majority support for Medicare for All, often by lopsided margins, even in conservative states. "I think we've had enough debates," Biden told reporters when asked about it on Wednesday.Add it all up and you get this: There's lots of reasons to believe Bernie Sanders isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

To remain an independent news source, we do not advertise, sell subscriptions or accept corporate contributions. If you think fortune favors fools, then congrats: You’re one of the clowns betting on If bailing on Biden is now an option, why don’t Democrat voters consider nominating America’sBut wait, this isn’t a popularity contest and sounding like a corporate shilling cable news pundit is not acceptable here at Among Democrats, here’s where Sanders ranks for the following:The divide may still be across party lines, but what issue isn’t in 2020?So far, the majority of non-infected members of Congress had no problem voting in favor of giving trillions of dollars to corporations using national emergency taxpayer bailouts so far (Some things never change, I suppose).With no time to discuss corporate welfare socialism during an economic crisis that could be worse than the Great Depression, several politicians on both sides have fought vigorously against giving a single penny to the working people or the poor. With the presidential election looming, those goals might seem to conflict.

Sanders is still running for president. The room shifted from angry and skeptical to hopeful.As I watched him, I realized that what makes Sanders unique isn’t his democratic socialism; it is his preternatural political abilities. Which is verrry interesting -- … A new study says that 5.4 million American workers lost their health insurance due to losing their jobs between February and May.While touting his “Build Back Better” program, Biden declared in a July 9 speech: “Let’s finish the job of Obamacare by ensuring everyone has access to quality, affordable health care.” By clinging to timeworn and evasive buzzwords like “access” and “affordable,” Biden affirmed his alignment with the multi-trillion-dollar health care industry more than with Americans who want health care to be treated as a human right in reality instead of in mere rhetoric.Just as Biden’s chances of winning the presidency would improve if he embraced Medicare for All, his prospects would also be enhanced by adopting popular positions that are especially important to racial minorities. But they don’t.Conventional political wisdom says that now is a time to set aside differences and simply rally behind the presumptive nominee. | By Norman Solomon

National polling has continued to show that two-thirds of all registered voters want Medicare for All.While Biden is now calling for a “public option” that would be an improvement on the 10-year-old Affordable Care Act, he hasn’t budged from his opposition to making Medicare universal — at a time when tying medical coverage to jobs has been exposed as a grim travesty.

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