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Read on to find out who can check your reports, what permission—if any—they need, and how to stay on top of keeping your personal information private.When you apply for something—like a new line of credit, The following are examples of entities that often request permission to check your credit as a result of an application or initiation of some sort of business relationship:Beyond soft pulls, there are other situations in which an entity may not need your permission to check your credit. To review an account you already opened with the business (although you may have given the business this permission when you first applied). However, if you check your credit report and notice a hard inquiry (it may be Sometimes companies operate under several names, and it might be a legitimate hard inquiry from a recent credit application you submitted. Here's what you need to know.Businesses can check your credit by requesting a copy of your credit report from one of the major credit bureaus: Experian, TransUnion or Equifax. Pulling your own reports is considered a soft inquiry and will not impact your score. Is it legal to do a credit check without my permission?

The FCRA gives some people and organizations the right to check your credit without your permission in certain circumstances: When responding to a court order or federal grand jury subpoena. Some employers may also ask you for permission to check your credit as part of the interview process.The FCRA gives some people and organizations the right to check your credit without your permission in certain circumstances:The person or organization requesting your credit report has to tell the credit bureau what permissible purpose allows them to request your credit report. By signing his or her name, the individual agrees to a credit check. The Ask Experian team cannot respond to each question individually. The effect they have on your score will depend on other features of your credit, but typically the impact, if any, will disappear or diminish within one year.Be vigilant and make sure to check your credit often so you know who is viewing your credit reports. The banks, lenders, and credit card companies are not responsible for any content posted on this site and do not endorse or guarantee any reviews. A quick Google search seems to indicate that access to your credit report may be fairly limited. The following is from the experian.co.uk site: "A company must always get your permission to check your credit report. When this happens, a record of the credit check is added to your credit report and remains there for two years.When the credit inquiry is the result of you applying for credit and giving a business permission to check your report, a When a company checks your credit report to make a promotional offer or when your lender conducts periodic reviews of your existing credit accounts, it is called a If you apply for a loan, credit card or insurance, you may have to give the company permission to check your credit report as part of submitting the application.

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