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Singapore borrows money not to spend, but to invest in infrastructure projects which will later generate money. While there’s still a long way to go, Jamaica has taken big strides in reducing its debt.For Jordan, crises in neighboring Syria and Iraq have resulted in an influx of refugees, rising social welfare costs and disruption of trade. Using data from the International Monetary Fund’s World Economic Outlook (October 2019), here are the most in-debt nations on the planet going into 2020. To deal with the coronavirus health crisis, many countries have had no choice but to take drastic measures to support their economies. Spain’s GDP figure in the first quarter of 2020 was $270,748 Billion, Spain is number 13 in the ranking of quarterly GDP of the 50 countries. However, the majority of it (80%) is owed internally and in pounds sterling.Despite benefitting from the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries debt relief initiative in 2005 – which allowed for 100% relief of its debt by the IMF, the World Bank and African Development Fund – Zambia has been borrowing heavily since 2012. Yet there’s a fine line between a healthy and an unhealthy amount. The country currently has US$2.6 trillion (£2tn) of public debt which looks set to continue growing. Using the most recent data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF)’s World Economic Outlook (October 2019), click or scroll through to see the most indebted nations on the planet as we enter 2020.

It is worth noting that the 114.1% figure reflects the gross, rather than net, debt-to-GDP ratio. But things are looking up: last year, the economy grew by 2.5%, marking the fifth consecutive year of growth, although high unemployment and poverty rates are still huge problems for Spain.Just tipping past the 100% mark, like many countries Belgium had to rescue one of its biggest banks, Fortis Bank, during the 2008 financial crisis. However, the outlook isn’t all bad: economic growth is projected at 4.2% in 2019 and 4.3% in 2020, according to the African Development Bank Group.Brazil may have same debt-to-GDP ratio as Zambia, but in terms of actual debt the South American country has a lot more: US$166.6 billion (£126.5bn) to be exact.

Italy is breaking the EU rule that states countries with a debt-to-GDP ratio above 60% must reduce it by a 20Lebanon is currently gripped by an economic crisis which has seen youth unemployment rise to 37%, with companies going bust and workers being laid off. The country's debt was US$515.8 billion (£391bn) in 2019.The Middle Eastern country of Bahrain has an economy that’s largely dependent on oil and gas. The economy has returned to growth since 2017, at a rate of around 2% annually. The key reasons for borrowing have been to improve roads, infrastructure, energy, railroads and telecoms. Singapore has generated a public debt of US$419.1 billion (£318bn) this way. (We haven't included countries with economies smaller than $10 billion GDP. Portugal's public debt is currently US$274.1 billion (£208.1bn).For the past two decades Italy’s economic growth has been virtually nonexistent. This has resulted in lower productivity, limited resources to deal with the problems caused by climate change – such as Venice’s floods – and made it harder to fund its expensive pension system, among other issues. Spain Spain. However, it sold the bank to BNP Paribas shortly after. If we rank European sovereign debts by country, Italy is second only to Greece. Here are the 20 nations in the world with the most debt to GDP ratios. 10. 20. Currently, the economy is performing better than expected and its debt-to-GDP ratio, while still high, is falling. However, the IMF has recognized Jordan’s need for financial help as it tries to deal with its US$41.75 billion (£31.7bn) debt, and at a conference in March this year donors were said to be working to provide grants and other financial support.A third of Angola’s GDP comes from its oil sector, according to the World Bank, so it was hit hard by the oil price drop of 2014 – its public debt went from 39% in late 2014 to 95% of GDP in October 2019. The United States (US) The US has a total of 29.27 trillion dollars of external debt, translating to around 45% of the total debt owed. Here Are Countries With The Most Debt 2020 . Despite these being lifted in 2017, the country is still feeling the effects. Bahrain's public debt is currently US$38.7 billion (£29.4bn).Despite the fact it's currently experiencing The southern African nation of Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in the world and its debt-to-GDP has shot up in the past decade, from less than 54% in 2013 to 108.8% today.

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