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'Hoy a las 5:00 PM muere en cuba el comandante Daniel Ortega, luego de que fuera transportado hasta la isla por un problema cardiaco, además el presidente estaba...', publicó el sitio. By June 2018 Tim Rogers of The Atlantic magazine described the situation:Over the past seven weeks, Ortega’s police and paramilitaries have killed more than 120 people, mostly students and other young protesters who are demanding the president’s ouster and a return to democracy, according to a human-rights group [CENIDH, By December 322 people were dead and 565 imprisoned.

La noticia fue publicada por el portal web 12 minutos, en donde informa que el mandatario nicaragüense habría muerto en CubaLa información fue publicada en varios portales en donde confirman que el mandatario nicaragüense habría muerto en Cuba.El texto continúa explicando que: "Se presume que murió por ataque cardiaco el día de ayer se le vió con buena salud en las fiestas patrias de nicaragua el cuerpo será trasladado hoy a Nicaragua donde le rendirán homenaje, la vicepresidenta y esposa del difunto presidente tomará el nuevo cargo".Sin embargo, se confirmó que la noticia es falsa y que el mandatario se encuentra bien de salud. JEANTV (@iJeanTv) marzo 3, 2014 "The uncertain evolution of the electoral system," in McConnell, Shelley A. Once the main collective leadership body of the party, with nine members, the DN no longer met routinely, and only three historic members remained. Esta noticias es falsa. Foto: El Heraldo Honduras. Born into a working-class family, from an early age Ortega opposed ruling President Ortega's relationship with the United States was never very cordial, as the U.S. had supported Somoza prior to the revolution.Ortega was an unsuccessful candidate for president in 1996 and 2001, but he won the Seeking stable employment, the family migrated from Ortega was first arrested for political activities at the age of 15,In the late 1970s, divisions over the FSLN's campaign against Somoza led Ortega and his brother Humberto to form the Insurrectionist, or Tercerista (Third Way) faction.When Somoza was overthrown by the FSLN in July 1979, Ortega became a member of the five-person The FSLN came to dominate the junta, Robelo and Chamorro resigned, and in 1981 Ortega became the coordinator of the Junta.Ortega's administration forced displacement of many of the indigenous population: 10,000 individuals had been moved by 1982.In 1980 the Sandinista government launched the massive Thirty-three percent of the Nicaraguan voters cast ballots for one of six opposition parties—three to the right of the Sandinistas, three to the left—which had campaigned with the aid of government funds and free TV and radio time. Even professionals involved in the uprising (lawyers, engineering majors, radio broadcasters and merchants) had been reduced to lives of "ever-changing safe houses, encrypted messaging apps and pseudonyms", with the Ortega government allegedly “hunting us like deer,” according to one dissident (Roberto Carlos Membreño Briceño). Early life. The effort failed to unite the party, and intense debates over the internal governance of the FSLN continued.

Ortega abandoned the revolutionary tone of the past, and infused his campaign with religious imagery, giving thanks in speeches to “God and the Revolution” for the post-1990 democracy, and claimed a Sandinista victory would enable the Nicaraguan people to “pass through the sea and reach the Promised Land.”In 2006, Daniel Ortega was elected president with 38% of the vote.

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