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If there is room for non-resident students, then they are allowed to attend.

Upon confronting the teachers in 6th grade and the principal, I was told that the text was weak (and that the school would be adopting new textbooks with more Catechism) and that their current method of teaching was more effective at reaching kids of this age (rather than memorizing, learning and discussing). But sometimes Catholic schools can be too small as in just one classroom per grade, and sometimes only one or two other kids of the same gender as yours.

I’m a big fan of Catholic education, but when choosing the best school for our children all things must be considered. Morality and virtue are woven into social studies so children don’t just learn that slavery is bad, but also that—as Catholic Christians—we believe in the inherent value of all people because they are children of God.

the teachers almost ignored the textbooks for Religion Class . The result is that a lot of trash had entered our schools out of the Church’s desperation.Con- Sometimes there may be poor leadership from the principal. Just because the school is Catholic and the kids go to Mass, doesn’t mean they’re any more saintly than the public-schoolers; and the difficulties attracting and retaining quality staff can make it more difficult to address behavioral problems in the classroom.Con: Cliquishness. When my Snow Bowl team in high school was about to compete, we prayed to Mary, Queen of Victory. . Let’s hope your children don’t have your disgusting attitude.You missed that catholic schools are not always truly “counter-cultural” (if only they were!!!). It could make things uncomfortable if ever there are troubles. Do you have to be Catholic to go to a Catholic High School in Ontario? "The decision will hopefully resolve similar disputes for parents across the province. This makes it harder to find friends. We continue to reinforce his strength by practicing our own and discussing Faith-based issues. There also needs to be a sense that decisions are made based off of what is true and right, not off of large checkbooks from individual families.Exactly! "I believe 80 to 90 per cent of the families using the Catholic school system do not go to church.

This met our expectations for grades K-5, but really dropped for middle School (Grades 6-8) when it is most needed. There is almost a complete lack of religious orders teaching in the elementary schools and the ratio illustrated in this article are about half of what my kids are experiencing. or more often upon issues in day-to-day life that may have impacted their spirituality. . Read our 7th and 8th grade only got a little better. We hope to have this fixed soon.

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This is a space where subscribers can engage with each other and Globe staff. Teachers can tailor their lessons to their class more effectively and offer more one-on-one support. 1 2. Public schools teach our society’s cultural values. "The policy also mandates all high-school students take a religion course each year. Baak said he believes that more parents, even Catholics, will follow suit.

All rights reserved. Being a devoted Catholic family, actively pursuing the Faith and passing it along to our children is weirdly considered counter-cultural.

And as far as minorites are concerned who cares.Con: Kids are kids. I imagine this doesn’t have to be limited to Catholic school, but the added exclusiveness of a faith-based private school seems to more easily foster this undesirable social situation.I feel ya!
Our principal is a mealy mouthed cowardly dufus who admitted to me he only cares about the money.Why do I have to pay 40 per cent of the tuition when my grandchild no longer wants to go to catholic schoolWhat do you mean??

It seems that the Church has also found itself more and more financially strapped from the mistakes they made in the sexual abuse scandals. . Josh Johnson, and MoreAdoring the Eucharist Is About Relationship with God

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