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Like, here’s your chance sis!Candace and Delilah both died because they couldn’t leave well enough alone!Had Delilah just took her one stupid photo/video and gotten the hell outta there, she wouldn’t have ended up in that damn glass box in the first place! (Which I guess now it makes sense why people are suggesting that Love and Forty had a thing going on.

Someone to talk too about anything. Lol Forty and Love! I mean she doesn’t know about anything so I guess right now she just thinks he lied about who he is?And now I’m looking back at these notes and laughing it up. Because I can already see that Joe isn’t okay with Love’s crazy, even if it’s exactly like his!

Dr. Nicky has a Subbreddit devoted to proving his innocence, Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

I think he needed that desperately.

Lol There’s lots of suggestions below!Sign up to get our stories sent straight to your inbox!Shaye is an Entertainment Writer from Brooklyn, NY and a big fan of anything and everything superpowers related (especially if kids/teens are involved), cooking + baking shows (like MasterChef Junior and Cupcake Wars), teen dramas, sitcoms, comedies, and legal dramas.

(Did anyone else forget they were freaking twins? LolHowever – her killing Candace, and using the baby to trap Joe really digs in deep on how crazy she is.

He’s the only one that wants him to do good, like really wants too … not just saying it because he wants Joe to let him out. And when I found myself here locked in, I thought this was the end. Sure that doesn’t explain why he’s so f*cking annoying, but still! Lol N O  O N E! Will supported Joe.Shit, during Season 2, we see Will help Joe, and at the end, we see Joe call Will to make sure he’s where he said he would be, not out and about in LA killing people and framing Joe for revenge.That end scene, where Will reassures Joe that he can still do the right thing, the way he believes Joe didn’t kill Delilah, it just feels so blissful.For the FIRST time, we see the weight lift off of Joe’s shoulders.

Amy had to stir shit up! She pretty much doesn’t think the Quinn family is HER family, and she wants out. However, Glamour explained the tennis terms perfectly and now I finally understand Tennis! Lol)I also don’t care if we ever see Ellie again!

I loved watching the tables turn on Joe and the bit about him thinking #WhatWouldBeckDo was hilarious! After killing Beck, Joe frames Dr. Nicky for all of the murders that he committed, using him as a scapegoat while removing all suspicion from himself.

Maybe this is why Will didn’t bother with revenge! I think Joe NEEDED Will, more than he even realized. Their kids even mentioned they had the LAPD in their pockets right?

Love Quinn KNEW the family loved her brother more even before that and THAT’S why she killed and framed her brother. That’s how the healing begins.I’m looking over my notes from the last few episodes, and I legit have in my notes:How messed up does one have to be to take Will (Joe) back? That boy was smart!

But since they already pretty much confirmed a season 3 I can’t wait to see what happens. Dr. Nicky has a Subbreddit devoted to proving his innocence, R/Freedrnicky. For the first time ever Joe finally has an actual friend he can talk too! Comments are always appreciated and responded to. And then when she actually HAD a chance to do something, she punked out! Just goes to show you that people can’t handle what they dish out!How come it’s okay for him to be crazy and forgiven but not her?Every time I talk to someone who says they don’t watch You, I tell them it’s about mental health issues and why serial killers really become who they are, because to me that’s what this is really about.Joe, Love, Forty, Candace, and even Delilah, they ALL had unresolved trauma and THAT’S why they kept making those bad decisions!Joe killed when he was 9 and his mom basically washed it over and kept telling him he was a good kid and didn’t mean to do it.

Sheesh! Relation: Affair Trivia . I think their relationship represents the relationship Joe needed with his mom.

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