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This was a further guarantee of security for Belgium.
With Louis Philippe gone, the new Provisional Government in Paris was regarded with particular apprehension and Belgian leaders agonized over what they saw as an obvious threat to Belgian security. In fact, journalists merely questioning the King’s policies were prosecuted despite the official freedom of the press.

Work stoppages became widespread and bands of unemployed workers, in France as well as Belgium, posed an immediate threat. At the same time the whereabouts of Louis Philippe was a subject of widespread rumor, one account affirming that he was headed for Brussels. The complete text of History of Holland. In fact, Fourierism was strong and Brussels was a center for international socialism at the moment. Satisfied with the liberty they had acquired in 1830, and with their progress under the sympathetic rule of a sovereign of their own choice, the Belgian people had maintained confidence in their future. During the last days of July, 1830, came the revolution at Paris that overthrew Charles X and placed the Duke of Orleans at the head of a constitutional monarchy with the title of Louis Philippe, King of the French. Were the The historical differences between the northern and southern parts of the Kingdom ultimately turned out too big. The Belgian revolution created its own historiography. Most called for a revolution following the French example, with the ousting of Leopold and foundation of a republic. Karl Marx himself was active in the Belgian capital. Quiévra February 1831. It is a long-standing romantic idea that the creation of the Kingdom of Belgium was directly triggered by an opera on 25 August in 1830, on the last of a three-day festival celebrating the Dutch King William I’s 15 year reign. French officials implicated were Marrast, Caussidière, Ledru-Rollin and Delescluze. The kingdom's constitutional problems was characterized by an ever increasing intensification of rivalries between the two major political parties, the Catholics and the Liberals, a factor which brought an end to the Unionism which had been established in 1828. Groups of protestors broke up cobblestones from the streets, looted shops and set houses on fire. From Liège, where he was lecturing on Fourier's phalansterian system, Victor Considerant wrote to Rogier that he must at once lead Belgium into a republican form of government. Leopold had earlier warned of the dangers to the monarchy which he saw developing in France. Effects of Belgian Revolution. Shortly after its independence, Belgium became obsessed with putting up statues (The statues of Lamoraal of Gavere, Along its fence, the park exhibits 48 columns and small bronze statues from the 16Philips II had sent the feared Duke of Alva to the Netherlands (the Their execution sent shockwaves throughout the Netherlands, instead of a mere warning. The crises had undoubtedly eased when the Rogier ministry set to work to redeem its pledges by carrying out a scheme of electoral and parliamentary reform. Internally a number of threatening problems concerned Rogier and his colleagues. At first these groups posed no serious threat but from late March through June they were more militant and many bore arms. With every passing week Leopold's confidence was enhanced and he spoke of himself as the one essentially responsible for Belgium's st The new ministry energetically set about attacking the poverty in Flanders with a number of programs to stimulate the economy, especially stepping up rail and canal construction. Tensions were already rising.

crown, the Liberals successfully asserted themselves in a showdown over two key appointments and Leopold became less strident in his opposition.
The chambers also voted money for relief and the government undertook a series of massive public works projects in canal, road, and railroad construction.

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