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10 in cash from the bank and issues cheques of the remaining borrowed amount of Rs. Lastly an important noteworthy point is that though money multiplier does not show much variation in the long run, it can change significantly in the short run causing large variations in money supply. In the term public are included households, firms and institu­tions other than banks and the government. US $) to finance the deficit in overall balance of payments, it gets rupees in return. It has been intervening in the foreign exchange market to prevent large appreciation of rupee. Some economists therefore call it ‘The H Theory of Money Supply. Suppose the cash reserve ratio is 10 per cent and cash or currency of Rs.

In the term public are included households, firms and institutions other than banks and the government.

7071 crores on March 31, 2003.

However, this is not fully correct as in the determination of money supply, besides Central Bank and Government, the public and commercial banks also play an impor­tant role. If Reserve Bank wants to manage it and tries to maintain it at Rs. In the other deposits with Reserve Bank of India (i.e., OD) deposits held by the Central and State Governments and a few others such as RBI Employees Pension and Provident Funds are excluded.

Money supply is measured in several ways which includes M1, M2, M3 and M4 measurement of money supply. The size of money multiplier depends on the preference of the public to hold currency relative to depos­its, (that is, ratio of currency to deposits which we denote by K) and banks’ desired cash reserves ratio to deposits which we call r. We explain below the precise multiplier relationship between high- powered money and the total stock of money supply. Further, they can be withdrawn at any time by forgoing some interest earned on them.It may be noted that recently M3 has become a popular measure of money supply. That is, one rupee of high- powered money kept as bank reserves gives rise to much more amount of demand deposits. But in the real world drainage of currency does take place which reduces the extent of expansion of money supply following the increase in cash reserves with the banks.Therefore, the deposit multiplier exaggerates the actual increase in money supply from a given increase in cash reserves with the banks. A glance at equations (1) and (2) above will reveal that the difference in the two equations, one describing the total money supply and the other high-powered money is that whereas in the former, demand deposits (D) are added to the currency held by the public, in the later it is cash reserves (R) of the banks that are added to the currency held by the public. Again its intervention was only limited. Thus more high-power money (i.e., rupee currency) would come into circulation in the Indian economy. Several definitions of money supply have been given and therefore various measures of money supply based on them have been estimated. The ratio r in the deposit multiplier is the required cash reserve ratio fixed by Reserve Bank of India.However, banks may like to keep with themselves some excess reserves, the amount of which depends on the extent of liquidity (i.e. For example, demand deposits, credit card and currency are used by the people primarily as a medium of exchange for buying goods and services and making other transactions.Obviously, they are money because they are used as a medium of exchange and are generally referred to as MThe main reason why money supply is classified into various measures on the basis of its functions is that effective predictions can be made about the likely effects on the economy of changes in the different components of money supply. First, different components of money supply have been distinguished on the basis of the different functions that money performs. However, since loans from the banks can be easily obtained against these time deposits, they can be used if found necessary for transaction purposes in this way.

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