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Only those with Hajj permits will be allowed access to holy sites at Mina, Muzdalifah, and Mount Arafat until August 2.This is the first time that foreign visitors have been banned from performing Hajj since the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was founded in 1932. Hajj 2020: How this year's pilgrimage to Mecca will be impacted by coronavirus ... ES News email. "Hajj in 2020 is a truly exceptional pilgrimage by all measures," Saudi Hajj and Umrah minister Muhammad Saleh bin Taher Benten said in a statement.

The pilgrimage began on Tuesday night and will last until Sunday.The Saudi health ministry also said it will assign one "health leader" for every 50 pilgrims this year. Before then, the pilgrimage has been cancelled because of war and past epidemics.You can find our Community Guidelines in full The latest headlines in your inbox twice a day Monday - Friday plus breaking news updates. Saudi Arabia will strictly limit the number of people who can take part in this year's Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca because of the coronavirus, according to state-run media. Are you sure you want to submit this vote?Are you sure you want to mark this comment as inappropriate?Are you sure you want to delete this comment? Hajj 2020 underway during the pandemic Not only have lives been disrupted, coronavirus has tested people’s faith also Published: July 28, 2020 14:38 Gulf News

Touching or kissing the Kaaba, the holiest site in the Islamic path, is also forbidden this year.

The event takes place during Dhu-al-Hijjah, the final moth of the Islamic calendar, and lasts a week. Pilgrims have been instructed to maintain a physical distance of 1.5 metres between each other during rituals, mass prayers, and when in the Kaaba circling areas. People will be tested for Covid-19 before arriving in Mecca, and will be required to quarantine at home after the ritual.Face masks will be compulsory, and organisers will be required to cover their faces at all times.

The pilgrimage is one of the five pillars of Islam, and every Muslim is expected to complete it once in their lifetime if they are physically and financially able.Hajj will begin this year on Wednesday, July 29, Saudi authorities announced last week, adding that the pilgrimage would be “very limited”.Hajj Minister Mohammad Benten said in a virtual news conference that the government was still reviewing the number of pilgrims allowed – but it would be “around 1,000, maybe less, maybe a little bit more.”“The numbers won’t be in tens or hundreds of thousands this year,” he added.Health Minister Tawfiq al-Rabiah said people over the age of 65 or with chronic illnesses will not be permitted to perform Hajj. ... Latest updates ‘Falling off a cliff’: Lebanon’s poor borrow to buy bread. "The health leader will be in charge of making sure that his crew are following the health precautionary and preventive measures imposed by the authority, including social distancing and moving among sacred places, for their safety and comfort," the The attendees for this year's Hajj were required to go through a strict process that included periods of self-isolation before arriving in the holy cities. DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Small groups of pilgrims performed one of the final rites of the Islamic hajj on Friday as Muslims worldwide … "Hajj in 2020 is a truly exceptional pilgrimage by all measures," Saudi Hajj and Umrah minister Muhammad Saleh bin Taher Benten said in a statement. Update . Congressional prayers are permitted but people must wear face-coverings and social distance throughout.

They also are expected to quarantine after their arrival and upon their return, Saudi officials added.

No overseas visitors will be allowed, and only around 1,000 people who live in the kingdom will be allowed to perform Hajj in this year’s ritual.In normal years, as many as 2.5 million people travel to the cities of Mecca and Medina for Hajj. The latest headlines in your inbox twice a day Monday - Friday plus breaking news updatesRegister with your social account Earlier this month, Saudi Arabia announced that the pilgrimage would be a more low-key event this year to preserve global public health.

24 June 2020. "Due to the exceptional global health circumstances caused by the coronavirus pandemic, strict precautionary measures have been applied to ensure a healthy Hajj for all pilgrims."

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