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aux mains dans les mains. to be on one’s hands and knees (on all fours) être à quatre pattes. en main. [ˈhænd ] noun. The Paul Noble Method: no books, no rote memorization, no chance of failure. You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...)

à la main. He knows he should have done better.to hold up one's hand(s) to sth, to hold one's hand(s) up to sthassumer la responsabilité de qch, endosser la responsabilité de qch→ I picked up a book that happened to be near at hand.→ Having the right equipment near at hand will help enormously.→ The emergency services were on hand in case there was any trouble.→ Keep vital information to hand in the Home Emergency Book→ Having started his Hollywood career in B-movies, Jolley turned his hand to writing→ Wharmby was a decorator before turning his hand to lexicography→ He was a Royal Marine for five years before turning his hand to physiotherapy, then the law→ DEX Enterprises decided to try its hand at running a water company.→ Unable to find the right tiara, Trina volunteered to try her hand at making one.→ Much of the planting and harvesting is done by hand.→ The Olympic organisers say that matters are well in hand.→ Millions of pounds have been spent since 1978 when the problem was first taken in hand→ Had there been a father around to take him in hand, perhaps events would have followed a different course→ She smiled, amused and not a little embarrassed by her own fear. Find more French words at wordhippo.com! Nous nous donnions la main.
Copyright © by HarperCollins Publishers. par-devers. Here are a few suggestions to try!

dans la main. Suggestions. 'hand' also found in translations in French-English dictionary We look at some of the ways in which the language is changing. In this short article, we explain and provide some examples of the most common French verb tenses you'll come across. There are many diverse influences on the way that English is used across the world today. entre les mains. → I put my hand into my pocket and pulled out the letter.→ The children all joined hands and danced in a circle.→ we were holding hands and giggling like teenagers→ I saw them making their way, hand in hand, down the path.→ I'm here to hold your hand if you're going through a bad patch.gagner une fortune, ne pas avoir le temps de dépenser ce que l'on gagne→ On the one hand Kate is old enough to pay the adult fare, but on the other hand she is too young to travel without a paid escort.→ He is leaving his business in the hands of a colleague.→ The Government is openly encouraging the transfer of one of our greatest public buildings into private hands.→ I feel that the majority of these dogs are in the wrong hands.→ how was he able to get his hands on that money so easily?→ The company is unable to get its hands on new investments→ He thanked everyone who had had a hand in his release.→ Hand in hand with the police inquiries, the government has also announced a full investigation.→ He still does a little work for us, just to keep his hand in.→ modern designers should keep their hands off period properties→ The opposition know that if they take him on on this issue they will just play into his hands.→ We must not play into the hands of racist bigots who will delight in making trouble from America's plight.→ We do not want to play into the hands of our enemies by disclosing sensitive information.→ The tense situation could play into the hands of militant groups wanting to destabilise the peace process.→ The crisis in Brussels would play into the hands of the Euro-sceptics.→ They work hand in glove with the pharmaceutical industry→ They all operate hand in glove, share in the arrangements and regard themselves as experts whose word cannot be challengedat the hands of sb, He died at the hands of an assassin.Il mourut des mains d'un assassin., Il mourut assassinée.Nombreux étaient ceux qui avaient souffert entre ses mains.He has done nothing to deserve such kind treatment at our hands.Il n'a rien fait pour mériter un si bon traitement de notre part.They were reluctant to risk another defeat at the hands of the opposition.Ils hésitaient devant le risque de se voir infliger une nouvelle défaite par l'opposition.→ We have a big task on our hands to turn this tie aroundto have a fight on one's hands, We have a fight on our hands.→ Tony Blair has a fight on his hands after some in the cabinet expressed disapproval of the measure.→ Cazaril breathed a sigh of relief when it was off his hands at lastI have more free time now the children are off my hands.J'ai davantage de temps libre sans les enfants sur les bras.→ The real advantages of using a removal firm are that all the heavy work is taken off your hands→ I tried to help by taking the kids off her hands, so she could go shopping on her own or out with friends→ They had their hands full dealing with an experienced Celtic side→ She had her hands full with two new babies to look after.→ Conti was accused of "washing his hands" of the problem of sexual abuse within the family→ Nico is big enough to hold his hand up.

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