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“You’ll be hearing.”No hype, just the advice and analysis you needRegister with your social account Indeed. A hotelier who had won his appointment after donating to the Trump campaign, he was closely involved with efforts in Ukraine to persuade officials to announce investigations into Joe Biden and his son Hunter.At the impeachment hearings he explicitly said Mr Trump had withheld aid from Ukraine in return for help cheating in the election, saying: “Was there a quid pro quo? This would undoubtedly result in Ukraine losing bipartisan support, undermine US national security, and advance Russia’s strategic objectives in the region.”He offered equally damning testimony under questioning.“It’s not entirely accurate,” Mr Vindman told a House committee when asked if the White House’s contention that Mr Trump’s main goal was to root out corruption in Ukraine.His evidence ended with an emotional tribute to his late father, who had brought him and his family to America when he and his brother were children. Who are the 17 witnesses in the Trump impeachment inquiry and what have they said? Oct. 3: Former U.S. special envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker. This is about chilling whistleblowers and eliminating potential witnesses, not streamlining.”The president wanted everyone to know how “horribly he was treated, and maybe, you know, people should pay for that”.Some Democrats interpreted Mr Trump’s comments as a threat that he might seek revenge on those he believes wronged him.“We’ve been going through this now for over three years. ”They’ll make that decision,” he said. It was leakers and liars,” the president said on Thursday of the various investigations of his 2016 campaign and presidency.

The most insightful comments on all subjects Their testimonies combined span about 100 hours. real-world solutions, and more.
The truth has cost Lt Col Alexander Vindman his job, his career and his privacy.”Among other revelations during the House Intelligence Committee’s public impeachment hearings was Mr Vindman claiming that during a July meeting at the White House with senior Ukrianian officials, Mr Sondland brought up the president’s desire for the government there to probe his political rivals, including the Bidens.Mr Vindman told House lawmakers he found Mr Trump’s 25 July call with Ukraine’s new president – in which the US president asked his counterpart to “do us a favour” – strange and inappropriate.“I was concerned by the call, what I heard was improper, and I reported my concerns to [White House lawyers],” he told the House Intelligence Committee.
It was corrupt.

”The previous admin downsized the NSC staff; precisely ZERO staffers were escorted out,” Mr Price said. Instead they rammed it through and now want the Senate to do what they were suppose to have done.

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