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The New Yorker, August 22, 1994 P. 48. Trump’s lawyers, Rudy Giuliani and Jay Sekulow are interviewing themselves in the media, moonlighting as guest hosts on Sean Hannity’s radio show. And it would reduce the body count from Even the alarm among gun owners stirred by books such as Robert Sherrill’s 1973 bestseller, “The Saturday Night Special,” Back then, the NRA’s great bugaboo was that gun registration would enable the police to trace and confiscate hunting guns and pistols from every closet and nightstand in America. Follow MSNBC on Twitter: ... Howell Raines: Trump Admin. Yet most of us on the left would accept reasonable accommodations on guns just as we would compromise on, say, the single-payer or private market roles in a universal health-care strategy.I believe my proposal to go back to the flawed status quo of a half-century ago would give us an imperfect firearms future that would nonetheless spare the lives of thousands of citizens in our schools, churches, bars, concerts, cinemas or wherever comes next.The most important news stories of the day, curated by Post editors and delivered every morning.The most important news stories of the day, curated by Post editors and delivered every morning.

The newsroom was introduced to … Opinion by Howell Raines. Raines remains on track for the big career prizes at the Times: along with Gerald Boyd, an assistant managing editor, and the columnist Anna Quindlen, he is a leading contender to fill the shoes of managing editor Gene Roberts when Roberts retires three years from now.Sign up for On the Trail and get election insights from

Nobody argued that a six-shot revolver was inadequate for home-protection emergencies. Ari Melber breaks down the three keys to the Alabama Senate Election which could upend politics. Raines took control of …

The pro-gun bumper sticker of the time — “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns” — seemed a benign tautology compared with the NRA’s current argument that the Second Amendment, unlike any other provision of the Constitution, prohibits Congress from making rules restricting ownership in any way.How, one wonders, could the NRA condemn an era when made-in-America shotguns ruled a domestic market now crowded by guns made in Italy, England, France, Spain, Japan and, increasingly in recent years, Turkey?

In the gray-suited world of the Times, he also had style: his admiration for beautiful women was cheerfully indulged (he loves New York, he has told friends, because "it is the greatest city in the world for a heterosexual male") and as he approached fifty he didn't merely obsess about the aging process but wrote a book about it.

As a hunter who has owned firearms since adolescence without breaking any laws or feeling under-gunned, I think I am equipped to offer a modest proposal that could produce a safer America and also break the maniacal hold of the National Rifle Association on the nation’s recreational shooters, not to mention Congress.My proposal is simply that we revert to the gun laws that prevailed in the United States around 1960. Remove; In this conversation.

He had literary credentials, having written early in his career a well-received novel ("Whiskey Man") and an oral history of the civil-rights movement ("My Soul Is Rested"), which is still used on college campuses. Howell Raines is a former executive editor of the New York Times and is writing a nonfiction book about Civil War times in …

'Hospice Where Reputations Go To Die' | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC.

Search query Search Twitter. How, indeed, can the Washington gun lobby argue that strict regulation of firearms hurts America’s hunting tradition when all European countries have both strict gun-ownership laws and lively hunting cultures that serve their own citizens and high-spending tourists?To be sure, a simple prohibition on the sale of military-style weapons such as the AR-15 assault rifle with “drum magazines” holding up to 300 rounds would not restore sanity to our political discourse. Deer and elk hunters who used larger caliber rifles felt amply equipped with standard magazines of a half-dozen or so shells.A return to these basic restrictions on loadings would appeal to most hunters, firing-range shooters and gun collectors who battle the nonstop whirlpool of NRA paranoia.

From a public-safety standpoint, that was far from a perfect world. Raines is said to have the full support of Sulzberger for his much-feared, blistering attacks on the Clinton Administration. Raines took control of the page in January, 1993, as Clinton took the oath of office, and has become in his way as vexing a media nemesis to the White House as Rush Limbaugh--or more so, because Raines, like Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, his boss, is a liberal.

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