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The Mueller investigation was all about Russiagate. That is the reality. Trump was Nevertheless, Clinton did beat Trump by some 3 million popular votes. You need to stop looking to vile TV propaganda, and the perverted fourth estate for signals about what are issues, or what we can say about this or that. Four more years of Trump’s climate policy will virtually guarantee (if we haven’t guaranteed it already) that the death and refugee totals due to climate will dwarf those of both world wars, the Holocaust, and Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot combined. The trick is to get the climate movement to challenge Democrats in ways that will publicly expose Democrats’ hypocrisy and resistance to climate action. The obsession with the Russiagate scandals has become a massive distraction from the life-or-death problems we face, from the climate crisis and the new nuclear arms race to the declining living standards and life expectancies of the working class and the assaults on the political and social rights of all Americans.Meanwhile, two dominant Russiagate narratives fight it out, about an alleged Russian role in the release of the DNC emails, a pro-Trump social media campaign by Russian actors, and Trump campaign officials who invited and welcomed Russian support. This is how third parties have affected the diretion of the country since the Civil War. So, should he be supported if he is the nominee? Real Socialists will be methodical and treat this as a serious factor while knowing a revolution doesn’t happen without the Capitalist class knowing about it.Greg, Are you not aware that none other than William Binney who resigned from the top level of the NSA when they implemented a “spy on Americans” policy, has said, after computer forensic analysis, that the DNC files were from a LEAK, and not a HACK? Dynamic social movements are how we can build majority support and the popular power to win elections and push through an ecosocialist transformation.Howie is just plain wrong on this.

Their mantra is “Complete exoneration. kevinzeese Hawkins retracted a lot of what he said in that interview which occurred when he was exhausted and low blood sugar. Sadly, there was no mention of how Howie said Julian Assange worked with Russian’s! So while Walker is right that Russiagate was counterproductive bullshit, right that the DP leadership can’t be trusted, right that the stupidity of Russiagate is likely to hand another four disastrous years to Trump et al, his metaphor is not effective.You don’t think that handing another four years to climate-incendiary Trump is tantamount to rape of the climate movement!!?? My best guess is that Kavanagh, sincerely and legitimately hell-bent on defeating Trump in 2020, simply didn’t think climate criminality would register with voters as much as the grievances he mentioned. Dimly on the right side, you see men tossing bags of cash out the windows of a two story house while their henchmen catch them and load them into a getaway vehicle. You need to make the path with your footsteps. Sometimes I even think that the animosity toward Trump on the part of well-placed liberals and Democrats is fake–that they WANTED him as President because he may be a loose cannon who will say crazy things at any time, but he can be absolutely relied upon to keep the spotlight on himself–it’s probably his only real agenda.

Ride the swell, waves are coming that are very powerful. Independents outnumber either democrats or republicans now. But getting the climate movement to demand Trump’s climate-based impeachment–as I do in my piece–would publicly expose how unserious Dems are about climate.

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