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The change from a royal to a noble county, however, took place at different times in each county. The Treaty of Trianon was the peace agreement of 1920 that formally ended World War I between most of the Allies of World War I and the Kingdom of Hungary, the latter being one of the successor states to Austria-Hungary. However, about 5,000 BC farming was introduced into Hungary although the farmers still used stone tools. Hungary under Horthy was characterized by its conservative, nationalist and fiercely After the collapse of a short-lived Communist regime, according to historian On 29 February 1920, a coalition of right-wing political forces united and returned Hungary to being a The succession after Horthy's death or abdication was never officially established; presumably the Hungarian Parliament would have selected a new regent, or possibly attempted to restore the Habsburgs under During his first ten years, Horthy led increased repression of Hungarian minorities. The Treaty of Trianon (French: Traité de Trianon, Hungarian: Trianoni békeszerződés) was prepared at the Paris Peace Conference and was signed in the Grand Trianon Palace in Versailles on June 4, 1920. This article deals with only the period before the For centuries, the official written language of the Kingdom of Hungary was Latin. When the ice age ended they hunted smaller animals. As a result, by royal decrees of 1267, 1290, and 1298, the king could only confirm that the royal counties turned into noble ones.

Hungary had been on the losing side of World War I. Forged out of a counter-revolutionary heritage, its governments advocated a “nationalist Christian” policy; they extolled heroism, faith, and unity; they despised the French Revolution, and they spurned the liberal and socialist ideologies of the 19th century. However, in addition to the 65 counties (49 in Hungary proper, 8 in Transylvania, and 8 in Croatia), there were 89 cities with municipal rights, including historical royal privileged towns and others, authorised by the 1870 Act, and other types of territorial municipalities (3 in Hungary proper and 18 in Transylvania), including privileged districts, the so-called The main effect of the 1870 Municipalities Act was that it was no longer only the nobles and other privileged groups who could lead the municipalities (see Functioning). Fraser. After 500 BC they traded with the Greeks. Europe and Ethnicity: The First World War and Contemporary Ethnic Conflict. Bigger changes came to Transylvania where the Székely Land and the Saxons' Land were completely "countified". After 1876 only minor changes were made to the system until 1918.

Nobles (mostly former royal servant families) became quasi-rulers in the counties. However, this Municipalities Act retained the historical names and officials of the municipalities and did not touch their territories in general, so the territory and names of the counties still largely corresponded to those of the pre-1848 period. The reins of power fell to a Socialist-Communist coalition under Communist leader Bela Kun. However, historical identities were highly considered; in Hungary proper only minor corrections were made. This Municipal Territories Act reduced the number of municipalities significantly and made counties the only territorial units by abolishing privileged districts, seats and other forms. Routledge, 1996. In the 15th century, the borders of the counties stabilised and basically remained unchanged until 1920.

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