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And we should remember that men like Lee and Jackson, Stuart and It wasn’t Northerners who annexed Florida, it was Andrew Jackson who said he’d be happy to take Cuba next (and who was no small shakes as an Indian fighter either). The Confederate Constitution limited the president to one six-year term. Cotton is King.”True, European nations, particularly Britain, had depended on Southern cotton to fuel their textile industries. Far from being sympathetic to National Socialism, the antebellum South was more wedded to economic and governmental libertarianism (no tariffs, no taxpayer-funded “internal improvements,” no overweening national government trampling on states’ rights) than was the North.
Moreover, there were several other reasons why North won the Civil War. The American Civil War (also known by other names) was a civil war in the United States from 1861 to 1865, fought between northern states loyal to the Union and southern states that had seceded from the Union to form the Confederate States of America.
The North was more industrial and produced 94 percent of the USA’s pig iron and 97 percent of its firearms. So just suppose that Abraham Lincoln had let the South go. As the historian Samuel Eliot Morrison noted, writing of the 1940 election between President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Wendell Wilkie, though Southerners distrusted the New Deal, “the South in general, with its gallant tradition, applauded the President’s determination to help the Allies; and ahead of any other part of the country, prepared mentally for the war that the nation had to fight.” The America First movement—which strove to keep America out of any For folks of this ilk, Lincoln fought to create an American Empire that moved from subjugating the South, to threatening the Emperor Maximilian’s Mexico, to exterminating the Indians, to conquering the Philippines. 2 Reasons Why the North Won the Civil War10 Events That Defined American CultureCashing In on Chips: Gordon Moore, U.S. InventorHaving Fun, American Style: Baseball and U.S. History10 Pre-21st Century U.S. Inventions That Changed Life as We…Winning a war without money or friends is rather difficult, and the American South had neither.

Jack writes an alternate history called If the North Had Won the Civil War in the CSA, where publication of his book is a criminal offense. But by 1863, Confederate printing presses had churned out $900 million in currency, with scarcely any gold supplies to back them. If the North Had Won the Civil War is a fascinating look at the very real Civil War and a Civil War that might have been, and does so without glorifying either. 2 Reasons Why the North Won the Civil War. . In fact, some 80 percent of Britain’s cotton came from America before the war. though the South, of course, waged no aggressive war, committed no Holocaust against the Jews—in fact, included the Jewish Judah P. Benjamin as its, in succession, secretary of state, secretary of war, and attorney general, the first Jewish cabinet officer in North America—and had as its governing ideology states’ rights and an even more limited federal government than the United States. The civil war began primarily as a result of the long-standing controversy over the enslavement of black people.

But while it’s fun to imagine, there’s not much point in thinking about what didn’t happen. It wasn’t Northerners who tore Texas from Mexico; and it was Southern boys who were most ardent for the Mexican War and a Southern president, James K. Polk, who said that thanks to the Treaty of Hidalgo, ending that war, “there will be added to the United States an immense empire, the value of which twenty years hence it would be difficult to calculate.”It was Southerners, too, who had dreams of a cotton kingdom extending into Latin America, and Southern politicians (like Secretary of War Jefferson Davis and Mississippi Governor John A. Quitman) who supported American “filibusters,” like the Tennessean William Walker, who looked to carve out little empires in Baja California or Nicaragua. “No power on Earth dares make war on it. Its economy, pardon the expression, went south, and it failed to convince any major European powers to join the fight on its side.

If they would not take orders from Abraham Lincoln, and often wondered why they should take them from Jefferson Davis, it is hard to imagine they would have had any interest in being harangued by a paper-hanging corporal with a toothbrush mustache.There would have been—and were—no more ardent anti-Nazis than the people of the South.

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