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3,600,000 hectares (8,900,000 acres), or 31.5%, is covered by indigenous territories.Some areas claimed by the indigenous people of the Amazon are used for mining and hydrocarbon operations. Y uno piensa, ¿es la última vez para mí? [Quoted on: March 23, 2017.] World Rainforest Movement. Lo que se necesita es inversión social y que se cumplan los compromisos del Acuerdo de Paz.The answer should not be force. What is needed is social investment and fulfillment of the commitments of the Peace Agreement.Rosana Mejía, leader of the Association of Community Councils of Northern Cauca, during the virtual press conference organized by the Association of Indigenous Councils of Cauca, June 5, 2020. See all those languages up there? Almost half a million – the number of Indigenous people who do not have official recognition of their collective land rights. More than 70% live in rural areas. As late as 1959 the Amazon region was considered uninhabited and was declared a natural reserve. We stand in solidarity with indigenous peoples of Colombia Written on 24 July 2018.Posted in Colombia. El gobierno responde con celulares, escoltas, chalecos antibalas, todo eso está bien, pero la gente no se puede proteger con esos esquemas individuales en el campo. [Online] October 29, 2013. Indigenous Rights.

Reddy, Jini. Colombia: The Motilon Bari Indigenous Peoples rise up for their rights against oil interests. What Colombia's Kogi people can teach us about the environment. At least 1.4 million – the number of Indigenous people in Colombia. [Quoted on: March 23, 2017.] wrm.org.uy. La militarización del territorio genera mas pánico y zozobra. She is also active in the Colombian human rights organization Dejusticia. We translate Global Voices stories to make the world's citizen media available to everyone.Hermes Pete, leader of the Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca, during the virtual press conference organized by the Association of  Indigenous Councils of Cauca, June 5, 2020. Their work—related to the farmers’ symbolic and Over the years, indigenous and Afro-descendant communities have mobilized to defend their collective territories. An indigenous territory (Spanish: territorio indigena) in Colombia is an area of land reserved for use of the indigenous peoples of Colombia.Almost one third of the country is covered by these territories, although the indigenous people account for just over 3% of the population. So far this year, an estimated The government's response to the security situation has been to increase the La respuesta no debe ser la fuerza.

Canada must live up to its obligations amidst threats to the survival of Indigenous Peoples in Colombia . Indigenous Rights. Es una campaña de miedo, es una campaña de terror para callarnos.Every day we wake up with the news that a colleague had to leave or that he was killed. RELATED: Colombia: Displaced Minor Killed During Eviction by Riot Police The Guardian. Indigenous, In the southwestern Cauca region, indigenous guards and maroon guards have existed since 2001 and 2013, respectively, but with COVID-19 and rising levels of violence against community leaders, the guards have been During the COVID-19 quarantine, for example, the indigenous guards control the movement of people in their communities with For indigenous groups, exercising their right to self-determination has led to confrontations with local authorities, landowners, public forces and groups outside the law. According to NGO Somos Defensores, the number of homicides against rights defenders has … That's all good, but people can't have only those individual protections in the field. Indigenous people in Colombia suffer disproportionate limitations on their enjoyment of social and economic rights.

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