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Where else can kids from all kinds of cultural backgrounds come together and work towards a goal. It was Baca's first mural and SPARC's first public art project. Judith Francisca Baca (born September 20, 1946) is an American Chicana artist, activist, and University of California, Los Angeles professor of Chicana/o Studies in the School of Social Sciences and a professor of World Arts and Cultures in the School of Art and Architecture. In 1974, the Army Corps of Engineers contacted Judith F. Baca about the possibility of creating a mural in the flood control channel as part of a beautification project that included a mini‑park and bicycle path. As we were neared each other, Lee and I could hear them addressing the Manzanar section of the mural.

Begun in 1974 and completed over five summers, the Great Wall employed over 400 youth and their families from diverse social and economic backgrounds working with artists, oral historians, ethnologists, scholars, and hundreds of community members.The mural’s restoration, a critical need, and continuation with future panels produced by the next generation of children of the Great wall remains a vital on going program of SPARC.

There’s so much to learn from the mural as each moment in history melts into the next.It’s viewable from the park above the flood control wash. Best to park near Coldwater Canyon Ave and Burbank Blvd, where the mural begin (If you see a prehistoric ground sloth sticking its tongue out at the rest of the mural, you’re in good shape), and walk along the fence, parallel to Coldwater Canyon, toward Oxnard Street.Outside of the cookie cutter history books that are written from one perspective, The Great Wall involved a diverse group of young individuals with their families working with historians, artists and academicians to give an accurate and personal presentation of California/Los Angeles history!It cost nothing but a drive to Valley Glen College to enjoy this amazing mural!

Its official title is The History of California. The fact that this mural is recognized internationally is very exciting and has fulfilled my dream of doing something with international impact. The site channels the main water flow through the San Fernando Valley to the ocean and becomes extremely perilous in a rain storm so weather watches and evacuation methods are a constant worry for the 30 members of the restoration team composed of professional muralist, interns from universities around the country, local volunteers and past participants of the Great Wall productions.”Special thank you to: CCHE, SMMC, City of LA, County of LA and Prudential Social Investments.On the last day of the 1983 summer project, each of the Mural Makers sat down to write about his/her experiences of working on the mural. The mural is painted on the west wall of the Tujunga Flood Control Channel in the North Hollywood area of the City of Los Angeles, California. There is a feeling of camaraderie and friendship among the persons. Message from UCLA Professor Judy Baca Creator of the Great Wall of Los Angeles and SPARC’s Founder/Artistic Director “The restoration of the Great Wall of Los Angeles is a massive undertaking. UCLA/SPARC Digital/Mural Lab staff worked with the staff of the UCLA Visualization Portal to model in 3-D the entire Great Wall of Los Angeles mural site and the surrounding city area.

It was hard to ask a friend to do a difficult job but in time everything fell into place. So it’s knowledge without effort, which is always best!The wall ends thematically at the late 1970′s. Deverell’s narrative shows again and again how Los Angeles has remade its Mexican history. It is an indescribable feeling learning more that LA is not just a place of aesthetics and money! There were times when I had my bad days but mostly they were great.

I have educated myself and with the work I have done I will help to educate countless others, I have never been involved with the creating of a landmark before, but if I had a choice of any the mural is the one I would choose. Not only is there art to be enjoyed but there is a belt of grass along with a pathway around the mural that is great for a little power walk! The Great Wall of Los Angeles is one of Los Angeles’ true cultural landmarks and one of the country’s most respected and largest monuments to inter-racial harmony. I feel I have accomplished something very worthwhile. To accomplish this enormous task, satellite photos of the site were used along with blueprints to model the entire flood control channel to scale. Because of the unity we shared, I feel now that everything on the mural is my history, in a deeper way than I think I felt before.Being a crew leader and all, it gave me responsibility and an incentive to perform the desired duties to its full extent. Artist Judy Baca in front of a wall along the Harbor Freeway in downtown Los Angeles where her mural has been covered by gray paint.

Wandsworth Postcode Sw18, Van Gogh Self Portrait With Pipe And Straw Hat, Bohemians Fc Table, Karina Lombard Website, Roadhouse 66 Trailer,