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Longstreet made significant contributions to several important Confederate victories, mostly in the Eastern Theater as one of Robert E. Lee's chief subordinates in the Army of Northern Virginia. But beyond that, there are few details. From 1846 to 1848 Longstreet rendered distinguished service in some of that war's most important battles including Vera Cruz, Churubusco, and Chapultapec, where he was wounded. From the heights above he used his artillery so effectively that no Union soldiers came closer than 30 yards to the infamous stone wall. At the academy Longstreet befriended a young man from Ohio, Ulyss… He attempted to pass the responsibility for launching Pickett's division to his artillery chief, Col. For years after the war Longstreet's reputation suffered and was blamed for the failed attack even though Lee ordered the advance after Longstreet's repeated advice to cancel the attack.In mid-August 1863, Longstreet once again resumed his attempts to be transferred to the Western Theater. Uncle Gus may have been influential in Longstreets early life as a fervent proponent of states rights.
This opposition, combined with allegations that he deliberately delayed the execution of Lee's orders, did much to tarnish Longstreet's reputation.That autumn, Longstreet was sent west to the aid of the beleaguered At the Battle of the Wilderness in May 1864, Longstreet and his men performed well, finding a hidden route from which they could attack Union forces, catching them in a deadly crossfire. It is my opinion that no fifteen thousand men ever arranged for battle can take that position.During the artillery barrage that preceded the infantry assault, Longstreet began to agonize over the assault. Longstreet stated that Bragg "was incompetent to manage an army or put men into a fight" and that he "knew nothing of the business". Save 42 Acres Despite initial success in breaking the Federal lines, Longstreet's men were denied victory, and casualties were high. Though he survived, he did not return to his corps until October, by which time the Confederate army was dead-locked in defending the besieged city of Petersburg.
Since Bragg's army was under increasing pressure from Rosecrans outside of Longstreet took additional advantage of the confusion to increase his chances of success. Instead, he spent part of the night planning for a movement around Since his plans for an early-morning coordinated attack were now infeasible, Lee instead ordered Longstreet to coordinate a massive assault on the center of the Union line, employing the division of George Pickett and brigades from A.P.

During the incredibly bloody battle of Fredericksburg that December, Longstreet took advantage of the terrain to create an almost impenetrable defense along Marye’s Heights. Despite the dysfunctional command climate under Bragg, and the lack of support from the War Department and President Davis concerning Bragg's removal, Longstreet did the best he could to continue to seek options in the Chattanooga Campaign.While Longstreet's relationship with Bragg was extremely poor, his connections with his subordinates also deteriorated.

He supported Grant for president, and when elected, Grant nominated Longstreet to be the Surveyor of Customs for the Port of New Orleans. His experience resembles that of many would-be Civil War generals insofar as he went to West Point, served with distinction in the War with Mexico, and continued his career in the peacetime army of the 1850s. Two division commanders, After it was determined that an advance north was inevitable, Longstreet dispatched the scout Lee's plan for July 2 called for Longstreet to attack the Union's left flank, which would be followed up by Hill's attack on Postbellum criticism of Longstreet claims that he was ordered by Lee to attack in the early morning and that his delays were a significant contributor to the loss of the battle.Regardless of the controversy regarding the preparations, however, once the assault began around 4 p.m., Longstreet pressed the assault by McLaws and Hood (Pickett's division had not yet arrived) competently against fierce Union resistance, but it was largely unsuccessful, with significant casualties.On the night of July 2, Longstreet did not follow his usual custom of meeting Gen. Lee at his headquarters to discuss the day's battle, claiming that he was too fatigued to make the ride. Very quickly he became the target of “Lost Cause” attacks by Despite the many attacks by former officers in the Confederate Army, many men fondly remembered their days fighting under Longstreet. A bullet passed through his shoulder, severing nerves, and tearing a gash in his throat.

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