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""Playing in that league [the SPL] we should never have been able to get anywhere near the Champions League final," said Mark Hateley, the battering-ram centre-forward who was feared by many of the continent's centre-halves of the day. Leeds United, the English champions were beaten in a battle of Britain, to earn a place in the first ever group stage of the Champions League, the reformatted European Cup.Rangers were then drawn alongside CSKA Moscow, Bruges and, the favourites, Marseilles, a rising power in the European game under the flamboyant leadership of Bernard Tapie. Marseille were also close to winning the French Division 1 title. There are no comments yet - be the first to add your thoughts 'These things happen' is a valid response to this - in the grand scheme of things - minor injustice, but the referee on that night Kurt Röthlisberger was later banned for life after being found guilty of attempting to fix a Champions League tie in 1996. "It still rankles. But Tapie and his side couldn't even get through the final without dark shadows being cast across proceedings as the goal arose from a corner which shouldn't have been awarded. The former TV salesman used his charm and charisma to not only flog electronics, but climb the slippery rungs of the business ladder as he made his millions buying and revamping failed companies - with adidas one of his more high-profile purchases. But we [Rangers] have always felt 100 per cent cheated. It was the second season of the competition in which the eight second round winners would be split into two groups, with the winner of each one meeting in the final. try again, the name must be unique Bernès, who was also found guilty, was to testify to regular attempts to buy opponents and referees both at home and abroad. Eydelie described what happened in his book, published in 2006 and over which Tapie unsuccessfully tried to sue him. We don't want them acting like idiots and breaking us before the final with Milan. "It was a bitter pill to swallow. Email already exists. The 1992–93 UEFA Champions League was the 38th European Cup, the premier European club football tournament, and the first season with the UEFA Champions League branding. French journalist, Christophe Bouchet, the author of One of the many legends concerning Tapie and this period points to the darker arts which hung over Marseille's success. And now Hateley's revelations that he was offered money to miss the second game against the French champions add further weight to the claims of those, from Glasgow to Milan, who believe Marseilles should be stripped of their title.OM were a formidable side in their own right; Marcel Desailly and Basil Boli at the back, Didier Deschamps in midfield, Alen Boksic and Rudi Völler upfront. There is little Tapie, the son of a Parisian fridgemaker and an extraordinary character, hasn't turned his hand to, from serving François Mitterrand's government as Minister of Urban Affairs to being cast in the lead in a stage production of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, the role Jack Nicholson won an Oscar for.Tapie's career has played out as if one rolling Oscar performance. It allows our most engaged readers to debate the big issues, share their own experiences, discuss {{#replies}} There are no comments yet - be the first to add your thoughts There are no Independent Premium comments yet - be the first to add your thoughts try again, the name must be uniquePlease At home Marseilles, the people's club, successfully took on the wealth of Arsène Wenger's Monaco, the unloved principality outfit that might have been a million miles away along the Mediterranean. The most insightful comments on all subjects Over a managerial career now into its third decade with Rangers, Everton and Scotland he has accepted his varied triumphs and disasters in a manner that would earn Kipling's approval. Not to mention Alen BokÅ¡ić, who led the line and would finish fourth in the Ballon d'Or that year. In 1993 Rangers came within one goal of a place in the first final of the Champions League, losing out to Marseilles after a controversial series of events. There are no Independent Premium comments yet - be the first to add your thoughts In 1997 Tapie and a number of others faced a second trial at which he was accused of embezzling over £10m. Log in to update your newsletter preferencesPlease Independent Premium. "It sticks in the back of my mind," said Smith when questioned recently over the events of the winter of 1992 and spring of the following year. Sporting one of the most iconic kits of the era they can still look back at that maiden European glory with the defiant words of their fans still ringing in their ears: But Tapie was determined to leave nothing to chance. A flood of accusations spilled out in the aftermath of this revelation as Tapie was lumbered with the claims of tampering with the club's finances along with an ever-growing list of match-fixing incidents, stretching far beyond a May afternoon at Valenciennes. Just another wrinkle in a tale of corruption on the cusp of unravelling. After two knock-out rounds the remaining eight sides were split into two groups, with the winner of each qualifying for the final.

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